Filipino Values

Cards (10)

  • Filipino value system
    Set of values that are significant and inclined to one's culture
  • Values integrated in business practices
    • Utang na loob
    • Filial Piety
    • Suki
  • Utang na loob
    Shows duties or responsibility to pay the debts and return it with inner-self-free will. the unsolicited gift received from other people
  • Filial Piety
    It upholds affection and displays courtesy to the family that most cases are likely working together in one company
  • Suki
    It shows loyalty and trust relationship between a customer and supplier
  • Values to be avoided in business practices
    • Bahala na
    • Manana
    • Amor Propio
    • Pandrino
  • Bahala na
    Filipino values shows that letting things happen beyond their control. it shows an attitude that a person is willing to leave things to happen by fate
  • Manana
    Delaying the task, putting off tomorrow what they can do for today or postpone things that should be done by now
  • Amor Propio
    A sense of self-esteem or self-respect that prevents a person from swallow his pride and concerned for one's reputation
  • Padrino
    Supports with the strong relationship of people. a personal alliance system based on kinship