An optical perception described through certain color categories; considered to be unreliable due to impurities affecting color quality
Mineral's resistance to breaking or deforming
Specific gravity
Measure of a mineral's density, the weight of a mineral relative to the weight of an equal volume of water
Rocks - are part of the Earth's lithosphere
Igneous rocks
Lat. Igneus, "fiery" (from ignis, "fire")
Rocks made from the cooling of molten material, such as magma, lava, and other pyroclastics
The subsequent development of igneous rocks creates uplift, which exposes them to weathering and erosion
Sedimentary rocks
Rocks made from cementing and compacting eroded materials from other rocks called sediments
Derived Lat. Sedimentum, "settling, sinking down" (from sedeo, "to sit")
The process of breaking down pieces of material, such as rocks, soil, and other materials, through contact with the atmosphere, water, or living organisms
The process where agents of weathering are moving in a single direction and carry away the weathered materials with them