Cards (47)

  • is the process of making decision in life like choosing a future career
  • refers to your profession in life
  • career is the latin word of "carrus" means "wheeled vehicle"
  • it is an institution made up of an undergraduate division that offers bachelor's degrees and a graduate division
  • this provides educational experiences to students to develop technical knowledge and skills at the graduate and undergraduate levels
    professional institutes
  • this may be government operated or private. they offer technical and vocational education to enhance student's practical and technical skill
    technical institutes
    Technical Education and Skills Development
  • it is an institution of higher learning offering academic programs and usually preproffesional training
  • CHED
    Philippine Commission on Higher Education
  • HEI
    Higher Education Institutions
  • KEG
    Key Employment Generators
  • DOLE
    Department of Labor and Employment
  • these courses will focus on business and industry, such as bachelor of science in business administration and BS in accountancy
    Accountancy, Business, Management (ABM)
  • this strand prepares a senior high school student to pursue college degrees focusing on human individuals and societies, such as bachelor of arts and bachelor of science in education
    Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS)
  • this specialization will focus on the natural world, such as bachelor of science. also included are the health sciences, agricultural science, and information technology.
    Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
  • this strand is for those who do not have a particular specialization in mind. the curriculum for this strand has a general coverage.
    General Academic (GAS)
  • this are industrial sectors growing at a rate faster than the economy and exhibiting potential
    emerging industries
  • four emerging industries:
    1. creative industries
    2. diversified or strategic farming and fishing
    3. power and utilities
    4. renewable energy
  • means the general direction in which something tends to move.
  • The 12 KEGs that have the greatest potential in absorbing the philippine workforce are:
    1. agribusiness
    2. banking and finance
    3. construction
    4. cyberservices
    5. health and wellness
    6. hotel, restaurant, and tourism
    7. manufacturing
    8. mining
    9. overseas employment
    10. ownership dwellings and real estate
    11. transport and logistics
    12. wholesale and retail trade
  • thinking about and studying the different ways people learn and relate to themselves and others
    meta intelligence
  • nine ways of relating to ideas, to ourselves, and to others; sometimes called the nine ways of being smart
    multiple intelligences
  • why study multiple intelligences?
    • help communicate with those around you
    • help understand yourself better
    • help choose classes to take in high school
    • help choose degree to major in
    • help choose a career
  • when they learn through reading, writing, discussing
    linguistic/verbal (word smart)
  • when they think of numbers, patterns, and algorithms
    logical-mathematical (math smart)
  • when they think pictures and images, are good with spatial relations
    spatial/visual (picture smart)
  • They are highly coordinated, use gestures and body language and learn through "hands on" activities
    bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
  • They have a good sense of rhythm and melody, like to sing, hum, chant, and rap
    musical (music smart)
  • They make and maintain friends easily, understand and respect others
    interpersonal (people smart)
  • They need time to process information, think about their own thinking
    intrapersonal (self smart)
  • They are aware of their natural surroundings
    naturalist (nature smart)
  • They pose questions about life, death and ultimate realities
  • seven habits:
    1. be proactive
    2. begin with the end in mind
    3. put first things first
    4. think win/win
    5. seek first to understand, then to be understood
    6. synergize
    7. sharpen the saw
  • More than just taking initiative. Taking responsibility for our lives
    be proactive
  • Everything we do is examined within the context of the whole
    begin with the end in mind
  • Saying yes to something mean saying no to something else
    developing a priority system
  • developing a priority system - saying yes to something means saying no to something else
    put first things first
  • Preferable to the alternative where one or more parties lose
    think win/win
  • Listening with the intent to understand
    seek first to understand. Then be understood
  • Preventive maintenance and self-renewal
    sharpen the saw