The theory of knowledge, from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/speech/study), is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, origin, scope and (possibility/study) of knowledge
German philosopher whose work is associated with phenology and existentialism
His best-known work is Being and Time (1927)
He gave a very impressive analysis of human existence, the prominence of the important themes of existentialism like care, anxiety, guilt and above all death is brought out here
Modern technology challenges forth nature to yield treasures to humans
Technology sets upon (positions and orders) the yields of nature so that they are available and of humans, becoming part of the standing reserve
The enframing of technology is destiny, which is neither an inevitable fate that descends on humanity nor the result of human willing
Disclosure of destiny and human freedom are one and the same
There is a twofold danger to destiny: 1) human being reduces itself to standing reserve and encounters nothing any more, 2) the disclosure of the enframing forecloses every other dispensation and conceals that too is a disclosure
Still the enframing is a disclosure, it involves human being, therefore harbors the possibility of saving power
The revealing that underlies causality, a bringing out of concealment
The revealing is what the Greeks call truth (Aletheia) - means unhiddedness or disclosure
Technology brings forth as well, and it is a revealing, as seen in the way the Greeks understood techne, which encompasses not only craft, but other acts of the mind and poetry
One builds a way towards knowing the truth who he/ she is as a being in this world
We shall never experience our relationship to the essence of technology so long as we merely represent and pursue the technological, put up with it, or evade it
An endeavor to achieve self-actualization and fulfillment within the context of a larger community of individuals
It requires the development of attributes and social and personal levels that exhibit character strengths and virtues that are commonly agreed across different cultures
There is an end of all the actions that we perform which we desire for itself, and flourishing is the greatest good for human endeavors and that toward which all actions aim
He presented the various popular conceptions of the best life for human beings: a philosophical life, life of pleasure, a life of political activity
Means good spirit, a property of one's life when considered as a whole
It is formally egoistic in that a person's normative reason for choosing particular actions stems for the idea that he must pursue his own good or flourishing
It also implies a divine state of being that humanity is able to strive toward and possibly reach
Happiness is "doing well" and "living well", a pleasant state of mind
Virtues such as self-control, justice, courage, wisdom, piety and related qualities of mind and soul are absolutely crucial if a person is to lead a good and happy life
Founder of Pyrrhonism, a school of philosophical skepticism that places the attainment of ataraxia (a state of equanimity) as a way to a achieve Eudaimonia
Pyrrhonist practice is for the purpose of achieving epoch
Robots are utilized for their knowledge, exactness and interminable vitality to perform assignments consistently and profitably, that when performed by people tends to create flaws
AI robots have already started an enormous job in improving waste administration and finding distinctive approaches to handle the waste issue endured by most developing nations like India
David Mattin: 'The idea that new technologies can liberate us from the human condition is a fantasy. In reality, the 21st century will be all too human.'
Utilized for their knowledge, exactness and interminable vitality to perform assignments consistently and profitably, that when performed by people tends to create flaws