UNDS midterms

Cards (80)

  • Physical self
    Refers to the body which we interface with our environment and fellow beings. It is a tangible aspect of the person that can be directly observed and examined.
  • Physical self
    • How a person presents themselves physically could have varying effects on how people accept or interact with them.
  • 3 basic body types
    • Endomorph (Big, high body fat, often pear shaped, with a high tendency to store body fat)
    • Mesomorph (Muscular and well-built, with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells)
    • Ectomorph (Lean and long, with difficulty building muscle)
  • William James' view on physical self

    Considered the body as the initial source of sensation and necessary for the origin and maintenance of personality.
  • Sigmund Freud's view on physical self
    Construction of self and personality makes the physical body the core of human experience.
  • Wilhelm Reich's view on physical self
    All psychological processes are part of the physical process and vice versa.
  • Erik Erikson's view on physical self
    Bodily organs are important in early developmental stages of a person's life.
  • Carl Jung's view on physical self
    The physical body and the external world can be known only as psychological experiences.
  • Burrhus Frederic Skinner's view on physical self
    The role of the body is of primary importance.
  • Self-esteem
    Refers to the overall self evaluation or sense of self worth.
  • Gloria Gaynor: '"Well, we all know that self-esteem comes from what you think of you, not what other people think of you."'
  • 3 different kinds of self-esteem
    • Inflated self esteem (These people hold high regards for themselves. Better than the other to the point of underestimating them)
    • High self esteem (This is a positive self esteem, which makes the person be satisfied with themselves)
    • Low self esteem (This person does not value themselves and does not trust their possibilities)
  • Beauty from different cultural perspectives
    • The bombshell (America)
    • Au Naturel (France)
    • Tall, Blue eyes, well kept Girl (Russia)
    • Tapered Jaw, double eyelids, small (nose, mouth), and fair skin (Korea)
    • Perfect Body (Brazil)
    • Petite Body, Strong Facial Features (Big nose, Strong Chin, Round Eyes), Fair Skin (Thailand)
    • Luscious Hair, Dark brows, and fair skin (India)
    • Dark Skin (Bangladesh)
    • Heavy Brows (UK)
    • "Yaeba" double tooth (Japan)
    • "Big is Beautiful" (Mauritania)
    • Lip Plates (Ethiopia)
    • Sloped Noses (Iran) following Persian beauty standards
  • The most beautiful thing about you is the thing that makes you different.
  • Winnie Harlow is a Canadian model who was born with vitiligo, a condition which causes depigmentation of the skin. She is proof that beauty goes far beyond skin color. It's her confidence above all that makes her effortlessly beautiful and such an incredible role model.
  • The features that stand out are the ones that are the most eye-catching. Oftentimes we find ourselves trying so hard to be beautiful that we end up wanting to look exactly the same as everyone else.
  • Reasons for looking good
    • To impress and establish good impression
    • To feel Good, one must look good
    • Physical Attractive person attracts a lot of people
    • Helps building relationships
    • Helps build Self-esteem, and boost confidence
    • Physical Appearance helps in finding relationship
  • Sex
    The act of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is a sexual activity typically involving the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction, or both.
  • Male reproductive system
    • Testis (source of Spermatozoa)
    • Scrotum (sac of skin where the two testes are enveloped)
    • Prostate glands (carries out both urine and seminal fluid)
    • Penis (where the ejaculation occurs)
    • Sperm (male gametes)
    • Tumescence (The erection of penis)
  • Female reproductive system
    • Ovary (produces ova)
    • Fallopian Tube (lead from ovaries to the uterus)
    • Uterus (where fertilized ovum develops into a baby)
    • Vagina (tube leading to outside of the body)
    • Vasocongestion (The natural lubrication of vagina in females)
  • Erogenous zones
    Part of the body that particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation
  • Penis
    Where the ejaculation occurs by sending sperm cells from testis and secreting them out
  • Sperm
    Male gametes, one that is necessary for the egg to develop and become a baby
  • Tumescence
    The erection of penis
  • Ovary
    A pair of small, oval organs which produces ova (ovum; female germ cells)
  • Fallopian Tube

    A pair of thin tubes that lead from ovaries to the uterus
  • Uterus
    A hollow pear-shaped elastic muscular structure where fertilized ovum (zygote) develops into a baby
  • Vagina
    A tube leading to outside of the body through an opening called the vulva
  • Vasocongestion
    The natural lubrication of vagina in females
  • Erogenous Zones
    Parts of the body that are particularly sensitive to touch, pressure and vibration which contributes to sexual arousal
  • Phases of Sexual Arousal
    • Arousal/Excitement Phase
    • Plateau Phase
    • Orgasm Phase
    • Resolution Phase
  • Arousal/Excitement Phase

    A subjective sense of sexual pleasure
  • Plateau Phase
    A brief period of time before the orgasm. It is the body's preparation for orgasm
  • Orgasm Phase
    An intense, highly pleasurable experience
  • Resolution Phase
    Stage where the decrease of arousal happens
  • Contraception Methods
    • Natural Contraception Method
    • Artificial Method
  • Natural Contraceptive Methods
    • Calendar Method
    • Basal Body Temperature
    • Cervical Mucus Method
    • Symptothermal Method
    • Ovulation Detection
    • Coitus Interruptus/Withdrawal Method
    • Lactation Amenorrhea Method
    • Abstinence
  • Calendar Method
    Also called the Rhythm Method. It involves avoiding coitus during the days that the woman is fertile
  • Basal Body Temperature
    Done by monitoring the changes in the woman's temperature every morning before any activity
  • Cervical Mucus Method

    A woman is fertile when the cervical mucus is profuse and watery