Cards (5)

  • Juliet
    I needs must act alone.
    My grave is like to be my wedding bed.
    A loathed enemy.
    My only love sprung from my only hate.
    O Romeo O Romeo where for art thou Romeo.
  • Romeo
    It is the east and Juliet is the sun.
    She doth teach the torches to shine bright.
    O speak again bright angel.
    Fire eyed fury be my conduct now.
  • Friar
    Young mens love then lies not truly in their hearts but in their eyes.
    Violent delights have violent ends.
    Fear comes upon me.
    I dare no longer stay.
  • Capulet
    Hang, beg, starve, die.
    Death is my heir.
    We have a curse in having her. Die in the streets.
  • Mercutio
    A plauge a both your houses.
    Dreamers often lie.
    If love be rough with you be rough with love.
    Ask for me tomorrow you shall find me a grave man.