Cards (5)

  • Afternoons by Philip Larkin
    Place :
    Trees bordering the new recreation ground.
    An estate full of washing.
    There are still courting places.
    Time passage :
    Leaves fall in ones and twos.
    Wind is ruining their courting places.
    Their beauty has thickened.
    Romance :
    Behind them , at intervals , stand husbands.
    The albums lettered our wedding, lying.
    Something is pushing them to the side of their own lives.
  • The soldier by Rupert Brook
    Conflict :
    If I should die think only this of me.
    A richer dust concealed.
    At peace under an English heaven.
  • Manhunt by Simon Armitage
    Conflict :
    Frozen river which ran through his face.
    The damaged porcelain.
    Unexploded mine buried deep inside his mind.
    Time passage :
    after passionate nights and intimate days.
    Only then could I bind the struts and climb the rungs.
    Only then did I come close.
    Romance :
    After passionate nights and intimate days.
    Feel the hurt of his grazed heart.
    Only then did I come close.
  • The prelude by William Wordsworth
    Place :
    The cottage windows through the twilight.
    Hiss’d along the polish’d ice.
    The orange sky of evening died away.
  • She walks in beauty by Lord Byron
    Romance :
    All that‘s best of dark and bright.
    So soft , so calm , yet eloquent.
    A mind at peace with all below.