Erstelle eine Regex Variable, die den Buchstaben "e" herausfiltert
constregex = /e/;
Welche Regex flag sucht nach Groß- und Kleinschreibung? Gib in Klammern, den ausgeschriebenen Namen des flags an.
i (insensitive)
Man kann in regex expressions einen Ziffernbereich angeben, in dem man z.B. [0-9] schreibt.
The + modifier in a regex allows you to match a pattern that occurs one or more times.
There is a shorthand character class to match any digit: \d.
Strings have a.match()method, which takes a regex argument. .match() will return an array of match results – containing either the first match, or all matches if the global flag is used in the regex.
null in JavaScript is a special primitive that represents the intentional absence of a value. In a boolean context, null is considered falsy which evaluates to false in a conditional statement.
concatenation is the process of joining two or more strings together to form a single string. It uses "+" for joining two strings.
properties are always written behind the associated string or variable, and are always written in lowercase.
Non primitive data types are mutable data types that are not undefined, null, boolean, number, string, or symbol.Mutable means that the data can be changed after it is created.
Template literals are denoted with backticks ``.
Variables can be passed in to a template literal by surrounding the variable with ${} – the value of the variable will be inserted into the string.
JavaScript has a feature called template literals, which allow you to interpolate variables directly within a string
You can check if a value is truthy or falsy by passing it into an if-statement, without any operators.
A ternary operator is a conditional operator in JavaScript that evaluates a conditional expression and returns either a truthy or falsy value.
Variable naming follows specific rules: names can include letters, numbers, dollar signs, and underscores, but cannot contain spaces and must not begin with a number.
Assigning a value to a variable at the moment of its declaration is known asinitialization.
Strings areimmutable, which means once they are created, they cannot be changed.
Non-primitive data types differ from primitive data types in that they can hold more complex data. Primitive data types like strings and numbers can only hold one value at a time.