
Cards (84)

  • Different levels at which biodiversity can be measured
    Habitat biodiversity, genetic biodiversity, species biodiversity
  • Habitat biodiversity
    Number of different habitats found within an area
  • Species biodiversity

    Made of species richness and evenness
  • Species richness
    Number of different species living in a particular area
  • Species evenness
    Comparison of the number of individuals of each species living in a community
  • Community

    All the populations of living organisms in a particular habitat
  • Genetic biodiversity

    Variety of genes that make up a species
  • Sampling
    Taking measurements of a limited number of individual organisms present in a particular area
  • Uses of sampling

    To estimate the number of organisms in an organism, to measure a particular characteristic of an organism
  • Types of sampling
    Random, non-random
  • Random sampling

    Selecting individuals by chance, each individual has an equal likelihood of selection
  • How to carry out a random sample
    Make grid with tape measures, use random numbers to determine x coordinate and y coordinate, take sample at each coordinate pair
  • Types of non-random sampling

    Opportunistic, stratified, systematic
  • Opportunistic sampling

    Using organisms that are readily available
  • Weakest form of non-random sampling

  • Why is opportunistic sampling the weakest form of non-random sampling?

    Not representative
  • Stratified sampling
    Dividing a population into strata based on a characteristic, random sample taken from each strata proportional to size
  • Systematic sampling
    Identifying different areas within an overall habitat which are then sampled separately (Transects)
  • Line transect

    Marking a line along the ground between the poles and taking samples at specific points
  • Belt transect
    Two parallel lines marked, samples taken of the area between the two lines
  • Why is a sample never truly representative?
    Sampling bias, chance
  • How to reduce sampling bias
    Random sampling
  • How to reduce effect of chance
    Large sample size
  • Sampling methods

    Pooters, sweep nets, pitfall traps, tree beating, kick sampling, quadrats
  • Types of quadrats
    Point, frame
  • Point quadrats
    Frame containing a horizontal bar, long pins can be pushed through the bar, each species of plant that the pin touches is recorded
  • Frame quadrats

    Square frame divided into grid of equal sections, type and number of species within each section is recorded
  • How to measure species richness

    Use sampling method, compile list of species identify, keys used to identify species
  • Different things you can measure with frame quadrats

    Density, frequency, percentage cover
  • How to do capture-mark-release-recapture
    Capture as many individuals of a species as possible, organisms marked and released, time is allowed for organisms to redistribute, another sample collected, compare number marked and unmarked in second sample, if lots are marked you have a small sample
  • How to measure species evenness using capture-mark-release-recapture

    Compare the total number if each organism present
  • Simpson's Index of Biodiversity

    Measure of biodiversity that takes species richness and evenness into account
  • Formula for Simpson's Index of Biodiversity

    1- (Sum of total number of organisms of a particular species/ Sum of total number of organisms of all species)^2
  • What a low biodiversity index means

    Few successful species, extreme nature, fewer ecological niches, very specific adaptations, relatively simple food webs, change to the environment has a major effect on the ecosystem
  • What a high biodiversity index means

    Large number of successful species, more ecological niches, many species, complex food webs, change to the environment has a relatively small effect on the ecosystem
  • Equation for proportion of polymorphic gene loci

    Proportion of polymorphic gene loci = Number of polymorphic gene loci/ Total number of loci
  • Polymorphic genes
    Genes with more than one allele
  • Suitable populations for measuring genetic biodiversity

    Zoos, rare breeds, pedigree animals
  • Factors that affect genetic biodiversity

    Mutations, interbreeding
  • Gene flow
    When an individual migrates from one population and breeds with a member of another population so alleles are transferred between two populations