
Cards (5)

  • Trope
    The creative use of language mostly found in literature, where language is turned, changed, or altered to make it new, refreshing, and thus literary
  • A trope is not simply itself, but something else as well, as seen in the image of the storm
  • As a trope, the image of the storm becomes meaningful by standing for aspects of the human experience
  • Storm
    • Represents devastation
    • Represents creative, transformative potential
    • Represents the disaster-prone geographic condition of the Philippines
    • Represents the violent consequences of taking the environment for granted
    • Represents a literary turn or trope embodying current Filipino (and global) experiences of natural calamities and our shared smallness in the presence of nature
  • The storm has animated Filipino legends, myths, and literature, and has become a wake-up call in the age of climate change