Cellular respiration is an exothermic reaction which transfersenergy from glucose and is continuously occurring in livingcells
Cellular respiration
Breaking apart glucose molecules to release the energy that's trapped inside
How organisms use their energy
Building up largermolecules from smaller ones (e.g. combining amino acids to form proteins)
Muscular contraction for movement
Maintaining body temperature
Energy is needed for loads of reactions in our cells, most of which are catalyzed by enzymes
All the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life
Aerobic respiration
More common type, takes place whenever there's enoughoxygen, most efficient way to transfer energy from glucose, takes place continuously in both plants and animals, occurs within mitochondria
Aerobic respiration
Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water
The equation for aerobic respiration is the opposite of the equation for photosynthesis
Anaerobic respiration
Respiration without oxygen, used when there is not enough oxygen to keep up with the demands of aerobic respiration, incomplete breakdown of glucose, leads to lacticacidbuildup
Anaerobic respiration in muscles
Glucose → Lactic acid
Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast
Glucose is converted to ethanol and carbondioxide instead of lactic acid, used in industry to make bread,beer, and wine
Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast
Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon dioxide
Anaerobic respiration in yeast cells is called fermentation and has economic importance in the manufacture of bread and alcoholic drinks.
As the oxidation of glucose is incomplete in anaerobic respiration much less energy is transferred than in aerobic respiration.
The energy transferred supplies all the energy needed for living processes
aerobic uses a great deal of energy this is because the glucose molecule has been fully oxidised
Aerobic respiration symbol frmula:
c6H12O6+O2 ——>CO2 +H2O
Anaerobic respiration releases much less energy than aerobic respiration ( the oxidation of glucose in an anaerobic respiration is incomplete )