Ovid takes on the role of praeceptor amoris (love master)
all 3 of Ovid's ars amatoia books are mocking didactic (instructional) poetry
Lex Scantinia, a Roman law that was created to penalise any male citizen of high status for taking a willing role in passive sexual behaviour.
Homosexual activity in Rome was only penalised if you were the passive partner, as that was seen as relegating yourself to being the same as a woman
this usually took place with an infames (lower class) person being the passive partner
Same sex activity amongst soldiers of equal status was punishable by death. this shows how Romans did not like the idea of a pederastic or homosexual army like Phaedrus suggested in the symposium
it was considered a capital crime for one free-born to rape another, such an act carrying a sentence of death.
But a Roman citizen was allowed to exploit his own slaves for sex, no matter their age or circumstances of birth
puer delicatus = young slave boys exploited for sex by their masters