one problem with SSRIs is that there are potentially unpleasant side effects. For example, high doses of clomipromine are associated with risks of tiredness,weight gain, heart seizures. This means that SSRIs may not be appropriate for everyone.
A strength of using drug therapy to treat SSRIs is that there is evidence to suggest they are effective. for example researchers reviewed studies comparing SSRIs to placebos and found SSRIs to be more effective in reducing OCD symptoms than placebos after 3 months. This suggests that drug therapy is a beneficial treatment for OCD
one advantage of drug therapy for OCD is that it requires little effort on the behalf of the patient. this is because the patient does not have to engage in lengthy therapy sessions like CBT which require time and motivation : taking daily medication. consequently, drug therapy is a much easier treatment which is non - disruptive to patient's lives
drug therapy is limited is limited as it is not long term cure for OCD. for example when patients stop taking their medication, patients relapse. Therefore, drug therapy is only palliative ans so perhaps needs to be taken in combination with CBT which shows can lead to patients being rated as "recovered" two years after CBT