Cards (8)

  • Fish
    Wide range of aquatic animals, including vertebrate or finfish, and shellfish
  • Types of Seafood
    • Finfish
    • Shellfish
  • Finfish
    • Vertebrate due to the presence of backbone or skeleton in their bodies
    • Further classified into rounded demersal, flat demersal, and pelagic fishes
  • Rounded demersal fishes
    • Cods
    • Haddocks
    • Whitings
  • Flat demersal fishes
    • Sole
    • Plaice
  • Pelagic fishes
    • Pilchards
    • Mackerels
    • Sprats
  • Pelagic fishes

    Swim near the surface of the sea, also known as "fat fish" because the fat is distributed all over the body
  • Seafood is either classified as finfish or shellfish, and they are prepared and cooked in the kitchen differently due to their distinct characteristics and composition