Green House effect

Cards (19)

  • Climatic Phenomena
    Occurring on a global level
  • After going through this module, you are expected to:
    1. Describe climatic phenomena that occur on a global level such as global warming, climate change, El Niño and La Niña
    2. Determine the factors that influence global climatic phenomenon
    3. Explain the impact of global climatic phenomenon on the daily lives of the people
    4. Create an advocacy material or activity that will raise awareness of the impact of global climatic phenomenon to the people
  • Greenhouse Effect
    Natural warming process of the Earth that results when gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the Earth. The different greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride, and water vapor.
  • Higher concentrations of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide
    Causing extra heat to be trapped and global temperatures to rise
  • Global Warming
    Caused by several factors such as man-made, anthropogenic, or natural
  • Climate Change
    A long-term change in the average weather patterns. It is incorporated with the two phenomena: global warming and large–scale change in weather patterns.
  • Causes of Climate Change
    • Burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation
    • Agricultural and industrial activities
    • Deforestation
  • Natural processes that contribute to global climate change
    • Volcanic activity
    • Changes within the Sun's energy output
    • Variations in Earth's orbit
  • Key indicators of climate change
    • Land and ocean temperature increase
    • Rising ocean levels
    • Melting of ice at Earth's poles and in mountain glaciers
    • Severe and frequent change in extreme weather phenomena like hurricanes, heat waves, wildfires, droughts, floods and precipitation
    • Cloud and vegetation cover changes
  • El Niño
    A lengthy warming in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. This natural phenomenon occurs at irregular intervals of two to seven years and lasts for nine months or two years at most. El Niño will most likely bring severe drought, stronger thunderstorm disturbance, massive storms, and decrease of the population of some species.
  • El Niño phenomenon
    Normally, as trade wind moves from east to west, it collects warm air. But when trade winds is weakened, it causes the piling up of warm surface water and making the part of the Pacific Ocean warmer leading to El Niño phenomenon. This happens when the upwelling of colder water is blocked by the large quantities of warm surface water.
  • La Niña
    This natural phenomenon may but does not always follow El Niño events. It may last for nine to twelve months but in some cases, it lasts for two years. It is triggered by the cooling of the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. La Niña often results in flooding, landslides, and frequent and intense typhoons.
  • La Niña
    Trade winds that move from east to west are strengthened.
  • Some greenhouse gases are naturally present in the Earth's atmosphere.
  • All of the radiation from the Sun is not absorbed by the Earth.
  • Plants and animals are already changing their behavior because of climate change.
  • Without the greenhouse effect the Earth would be cold.
  • The trade winds are weaker during an El Niño event.
  • There will be 3 groups. Each group will be given one picture. Each group will describe the illustration and members will give their reflection about it.