15 disorders and treatment

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  • candidiasis infection with the fungus candida; a common cause of vaginitis
  • dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
  • endometriosis Endometrial tissue located outside the uterus
  • fibroid benign tumor of smooth muscle
  • leiomyoma benign tumor of smooth muscle (usually in the uterus or digestive tract)
  • pelvic inflammatory disease condition caused by the spread of infection from reproductive tract into the pelvic cavity.
  • salpingitis Inflammation of the vagina
  • colposcope Instrument used to examine the cervix and vagina
  • cone biopsy, conization removal of cone tissue from cervical lining aka conization
  • hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
  • dilation & curettage (D&C) cervix is dilated & uterine lining is scraped
  • mammography X-Ray imaging of the breast to detect tumors
  • mastectomy removal of the breast to eliminate malignancy
  • oophorectomy surgical removal of one of both ovaries
  • pap smear A test performed to detect cancerous cells in cervix and vagina. AKA papanicolaou smear
  • salpingectomy surgical removal of oviduct
  • sentinel-node biopsy removal and examination of the sentinel nodes, which are the first lymph nodes to which cancer cells are likely to spread form a primary tumor
  • stereotactic biopsy needle biopsy using a computer-guided imaging system to locate suspicious tissue and remove samples for study
  • tomosysnthesis three-dimensional x-ray imaging techniques
  • cystocele herniation of urinary bladder into vaginal wall
  • dyspareunia pain during sex
  • fibrocystic disease of the breast Palpable lumps in the breasts, usually some pain/tenderness.
  • hirsutism Excessive hair growth
  • leucorrhea white or yellow discharge from vagina
  • microcalcification Small deposit of calcium that appears as a white spot on mammograms. Most microcalcifications are harmless
  • prolapse of uterus downward displacement of uterus with cervix
  • rectocele herniation of rectum into vaginal wall aka proctocele
  • laparoscopy Endoscopic examination of abdomen
  • episisorrhaphy suture of vulva of suture of perineum
  • myomectomy surgical removal of uterine leiomyoma
  • speculum an instrument used to enlarge the opening of passage/cavity for examination
  • teletherapy external beam of radiation on a tumor
  • abortion terminate pregnancy before fetus is capable of surviving outside the uterus
  • anencephaly congenital absence of brain
  • atresia congenital absence or closure of a normal body opening
  • carrier one who has unexpressed genetic defect that can be passed to kids
  • cleft palate congenital split in roof of mouth
  • cleft lip congenital separation of upper lip
  • eclampsia condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy.
  • congenital disorder disorder present at birth, may be developmental or herediatry