candidiasis infection with the fungus candida; a common cause of vaginitis
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
endometriosis Endometrial tissue located outside the uterus
fibroid benign tumor of smooth muscle
leiomyoma benign tumor of smooth muscle (usually in the uterus or digestive tract)
pelvicinflammatory disease condition caused by the spread of infection from reproductive tract into the pelvic cavity.
salpingitis Inflammation of the vagina
colposcope Instrument used to examine the cervix and vagina
cone biopsy, conization removal of cone tissue from cervical lining aka conization
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
dilation&curettage (D&C) cervix is dilated & uterine lining is scraped
mammography X-Ray imaging of the breast to detect tumors
mastectomy removal of the breast to eliminate malignancy
oophorectomy surgical removal of one of both ovaries
pap smear A test performed to detect cancerous cells in cervix and vagina. AKA papanicolaou smear
salpingectomy surgical removal of oviduct
sentinel-node biopsy removal and examination of the sentinel nodes, which are the first lymph nodes to which cancer cells are likely to spread form a primary tumor
stereotactic biopsy needle biopsy using a computer-guided imaging system to locate suspicious tissue and remove samples for study