module 6 organic

Cards (60)

  • carbonyl functional group includes aldehydes and ketones that both contain a C=O bond
  • in aldehydes the carbonyl is found at the end of the chain, and is written as CHO, methanal :
  • methanal = formaldehyde, used in solution to preserve biological specimens
  • in ketones the carbonyl functional group is joined to 2 carbon atoms in the carbon chain, written as COe
  • in ketones, carbonyl group is joined to 2 carbon atoms, ketone group is written as CO
  • simplest keton is propanone, CH3COCH3, also known as acetone, used as an important industrial solvent and nail polish removers
  • reactivity of aldehydes and ketones is influenced by the nature of the carbon-oxygen double bond, which is made up of both a sigma bond and a pi bond
  • C=C in alkenes is non polar
  • C=O in carbonyl compounds is polar
  • oxygen is more electronegative than carbon so the electron density lies closer to it than to the carbon, making the C more positive and the O more negative, so aldehydes and ketones react with some nucleophiles
  • nucleophile is attracted to and attacks the slightly positive carbon resulting in addition across the C=O double bond
  • carbonyl groups undergo nucleophillic additions
  • alkenes with the non polar C=C bond react with electrophiles and undergo electrophillic addition
  • aldehydes are reduced to primary alcohols by NaBH4, e.g butanal is reduced to butan-1-ol
  • ketones are reduced to secondary alcohols by NaBH4, e.g propanone is reduced to propan-2-ol
  • sodium tetrahydridoborate (III) is used as a reducing agent to reduce aldehydes and ketones to alcohols, the aldehyde or ketone is warmed with the NaBH4 in aqueous solution
  • carbon atom in the C=O is electron deficient and attracts nucleophiles, aldehydes and ketones both react by nucleophillic addition to form alcohols
  • nucleophile
    electron donor, negative ion attacking a carbon e.g cyanide = CN-
  • electrophile
    electron pair acceptor, positive ion attacking a carbon e.g NO2+
  • chromatography is used to separate mixtures
    • drugs
    • plastic
    • flavourings
    • food
    • pesticides
    • forensic evidence
  • pencil used instead of pen in chromatography because it is insoluble so it will not smudge and run which can ruin the experiment
  • in chromatography, the solvent must be able to dissolve the sample but not completely dissolve
  • in chromatography non aqueous solvents such as ethanol and chloroform are used for less polar samples
  • Rf value = component distance travelled / solvent distance travelled
  • Rf value always less than 1
  • stationary phase in chromatography
    the plate, solid silica (SiO2) supported on glass or plastic sheets
  • mobile phase in chromatography
    solvent moves up the TLC plate with silica
  • chemicals with a low affinity for silica (non polar compounds) will not want to bond with it so will move quickly up the plate
  • chemicals with a high affinity for silica (polar compounds) will form strong intermolecular bonds with silica so will move slowly up the plate and will travel slower
  • solid separation
    the more the sample is able to be absorbed onto the stationary phase the slower they move
  • disadvantages of Rf value
    • similar compounds have similar Rf values
    • if a substance is completely unknown there isn't any value to compare it with
    • difficult to find a solvent that separates the mixture
    • if components are too soluble in the solvent they will be washed
    • if components are not soluble enough the won't move enough
  • spectroscopy
    • gas chromatography
    • infrared spectroscopy
    • mass spectroscopy
    • nuclear magnetic resonance
  • mass spectrometry
    technique used to identify molecular mass
  • mass spectrometry method
    • sample turned into a gas and injected into a high vacuum
    • single stream of molecules allowed to pass into the chamber
    • high energy electrons are fired at the molecules
    • form positive ions
    • fragment is accelerated by an electric field
    • fragment is deflected by a magnetic field
    • lighter particles are deflected more
    • fragments are then detected
  • fragmentation
    when molecules are in a mass spectrometer, they can fragment into smaller parts and these fragments are also detected
  • isotopes
    ions with different isotopes produce different signals, most important for Br and Cl
  • NMR
    technique used to find the structure of molecules, method uses magnetic fields and radio waves, used for:
    • H1
    • C13
    • F19
    • P31
    these are all isotopes
  • protons and neutrons have a property called spin
  • when a strong magnetic field is applied, all of the nuclei in a substance will align themselves to the field due to their spin, this is the lowest, energy state
  • excitation in NMR
    if you apply radio waves to the sample, the nuclei will flip to the higher energy state