The process through which groups of people can take decisions
The ability to influence other people's ideas and actions
Living in a society involves
Duties (obligations)
Prevent discrimination and allow citizens to express themselves freely and become members of the group they want. Allow people to choose what they want to believe in.
Duties (obligations)
Responsibilities carried out by citizens, commonly referred to as Duties. Includes respecting the Laws of the State, paying taxes, not littering etc.
Different societies offer different rights and impose different duties on members or citizens
Democratic societies
Societies that adopt political systems where the rights of the individual are respected and safeguarded by the institutions of the State
Different types of Government
A form of government in which a single family rules from generation to generation. The power, or sovereignty, is personified in a single individual.
Types of monarchy
Absolute monarchy
Constitutional monarchy
Absolute monarchy
The monarch has no or few legal limitations in political matters
Constitutional monarchy
The monarch retains a distinctive legal and ceremonial role but exercises limited or no political power
A form of government where one person or political party has the power to do whatever they want. The individual rights are commonly suppressed.
The rule of the few. A form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people, often passed down through generations.
Forms of democracy
Direct democracy
Representative democracy
Direct democracy
All eligible citizens have direct participation in the decision making of the government
Representative democracy
Citizens exercise their power through electedrepresentatives who propose, develop, and create laws for the citizens to abide by
Malta is a Representative Democracy
Universal suffrage
The right to vote given to all adult citizens, regardless of wealth, income, gender, social status, race, ethnicity, or any other restriction
In Malta, Universal Suffrage was granted in 1947
Society must accept that different members/people have differentopinions and political views, which can be voiced without fear of discrimination
We trust our political candidates elected to parliament to representus in the country's highest institution
Pressure groups
Political parties as well as other organisations which have nothing to do with politics but aim to promote their interests
Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Organisations that are independent of government involvement
Political parties
Both an interest group and a pressure group, aiming to safeguard and promote their particular interests. Can be elected to Government following elections.
The start of Maltese political parties was the Language Question, when the British made efforts to replace Italian with English
Early Maltese political parties
Partito Riformista (later became the Labour Party)
Partito AntiRiformista (later became the Nationalist Party)
Both early political parties issued their own newspapers
A group of people elected by people in an election, who meet to discuss and decide matters related to the running of the State
Prime Minister
The Head of the Government
President of the Republic
The Head of State, elected by the Maltese Parliament
In Malta, elections take place every FIVE years
Proportional Representation
The election candidates elected to Parliament are chosen according to the number of votes they obtained
For election purposes, Malta is divided into 13 districts, each with 5 representatives voted into parliament
Elections in Malta are managed by the Electoral Commission
Local Councils
Small governing bodies established in 1993 for each locality, headed by a Mayor. Represent a form of devolution of power from the Central Government.
Devolution of power
Some degree of political power is handed over from a National level to a Local level
Decentralisation of power
The passing-on of duties from the Central Government to the Local Government
Aims at reducing the political divide between candidates and elected members alike in a local council
Democratic management
Aims at improving accountability and responsible sustainable administration on the locallevel by all citizens to contribute to the local decisions taken