In the centre of the atom is a part called the nucleus
Around the nucleus are electrons
Electrons are particles which are much smaller than the nucleus
Some of the electrons around the atom are free to move around
MEANING 1: Static electricity is electricity, that once generated, did not move
MEANING 2: A type of energy due to charged particlesstaying in one place
Materials that are electricalconductors allow electrons to move through them
Materials called electrical insulators did not let electrons pass
The device that was invented to drive the electrons is called a cell
When a group of cells are linked together, they form a battery
The movingelectrons form a current of electrcity
Simple circuits are used in science to investigate the properties of electricity and the effects of bringing differentelectrical components together
The wires of the circuit are composed of atoms that are held tightly together but around them are many electrons that are free to move.
The metal filament in the lamp and the metal parts of the switch have free electrons
Electrical current is the flowing of charged particles from one place to another
Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge
Opposite chargesattract, similar chargesrepel
Recognizing hazards associated with the use of electrical energy and taking precautions so that hazards do not cause injuries or death
Keepelectrical equipmentaway from water
Avoid contactwithpower lines
Usealicensed electrical conductor
Groundelectrical equipment
Install properlyandtidy electrical cords
Unplug electricalsafely
Don'tpressoroverstretchelectrical cords
Don'tfasten cordswithstaples
Don'thangelectrical equipmentfromcords
More cells can producemore electric current
More cells give higher ammeter and brighter light
Name: Lamp
Name: Open Switch
Name: Closed Switch
Name: Cell
Name: Battery
Name: Voltmeter
Name: Buzzer
Name: Bell
Name: Motor
Name: Ammeter
Name: Fuse
Name: Inductor
Name: Resistor
Name: Resistorz
Name: Amplifier
In a closed circuit, there are no gaps, and a path is made, along which the electrons can flow
In an open circuit, the path is broken and the electrons cannot flow
The energy to move the electrons comes from the cell
The chemical reactions take place in the cell make the electrons leave the cell at the negative terminal when the circuit is completed. They push their way into the wire and move the other electrons along, creating a flow or current of electricity
At the positive terminal, electrons are drawn back inside the cell