ProfessionalEthics - the principles that govern a person's behavior in the workplcace or work environment.
ProfessionalEthics - this is often codified as a set of rules by which professionals should act toward other people in their place of work
Code of ethics - works on the principle “treating others the way we would like to be treated.”
Code of ethics - Professionals shall “observe confidentiality.”
In solving ethical problems and deciding on ethicak dilemmas, or when placed in debatable situations, codes of ethics help direct decision-making
codes of conduct - provide the action to codes of ethics and serve to apply the codes of ethics to articular and relevant situations.
codes of conduct - provide a list of guidelines or conditions in implementing coincidentally
professionalcodes of conduct - based on professional ethical principles such as honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, respect for others, adherence to the law, doing good, avoiding harm to others, and accountability, among others.
professional codes of conduct benefits :
build confidence in the profession’s trustworthiness
provide greater transparency and certainty about how client's affairs will be handled.
provide a supporting framework to the members of the profession, for resisting pressure to act inappropriately and for making acceptable decisions in what may be “greyareas”.
professional codes of conduct benefits (continuation)
provide a commonunderstanding of acceptable practice which builds collegiality and allows for fairer disciplinary procedures within the profession.
will benefit others dealing with the profession, as the profession will be seen as more reliable and easier to deal with.
general principle of professional conduct - professionals are required not only to have an ethical commitment, a personal resolve to act ethically, but also to have both ethical awareness and ethical competency
ethical awareness - refers to the ability to discern between right and wrong and demonstrate ethical competency which is the ability to apply sound and moral reasoning
ethical awareness - provide the underpinnings of correct ehavior and acceptable conduct
ethical competency - pertains to the ability to engage in sound moral reasoning and consider carefully the implications of alternative actions.
specific principles of professional conduct :
service to others
integrity and objectivity
professional competence
soliditary and teamwork
social and civic responsibility
global competitiveness
equality of all professions
professionals are committed to a life of service to others
professionals - they protect life, property, and public welfare
to serve others, they shall be prepared for heroic sacrifice and genuine selflessness in carrying out their professional duties even at the expense of personal gain
integrity and objectivity - to maintain and broaden public confidence, professionals shall perform their responsibilites with the highest sense of integrity and imbued with nationalism and spiritual values
professional competence - professionals shall, therefore, undertake only those professional services that they can reasonably deliver with professional competence
soliditary and teamwork - each profession shall nurture and support one organization for all its members
soliditary and teamwork - through a deep spirit if soliditary, each member should put the broader interest of the profession above one’s personal ambition and preference
social and civic responsibility - they shall serve their clients/employers and the public with professional concern and in a manner consistent with their responsibilites to society
globalcompetitiveness - every professional shall remain open to more challenges of a more dynamic interconnected world
equality of allprofessions - all professionals perform an equally importamt, yet distinct, service to society
in the eyes of the PRC, all professions are equal, and therefore, everyone shall treat one another with respect and fairness.
code of ethics
value statements
behave like the constitution
provides guidance about values and choices
affects decision-making
enables one to make an independent judgement
wide-ranging and non-specific
code of conduct - applies the code of ethics to relevant situations
code of conduct - outlines specific behaviors that are required or prohibited
code of conduct - affects action
code of conduct - require a little judgement since one either obeys or incurs a penalty
code of conduct - provides a clear set of expectations about which actions are required, acceptable, or prohibited
code of conduct, code of ethics - both are used to encourage specific forms of acceptable and ethical behavior
PRBoMT Res. No.72 s.2022 - ProfessionalRegulatoryBoard of Medical Technology Resolution No. 72 Series of 2022
Section 7 of Republic Act No. 5527, also known as “Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969”, as amended, created a Board of Examiners for Medical Technology (Board)
Section 11 thereof states that the board is vested with authority to look up conditions affecting the practice of medical technology in the Philippines and whenever necessary, adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the maintenance of good ethics and standards in the practice if medical technology and to draft such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the law.
the Code of Ethics was first published by the PhilippineAssociation of MedicalTechnologist (PAMET) in 1968 prior to the approval of R.A. No. 5527 in 1969. It was then revised in 1997.
in 2012 and 2014, a review of the Code of Ethics for Medical Technology was conducted by the Board and while the contents were found to be comprehensive enough, the Board still finds the need to elaborate on some statements and to inckude other commitments to continously improve the professional skills and knowledge of the medical technologists
in 2018, the Board formed a committee composed of representatives from various key sectors like the academe, industry, and laboratory practitioners to review the present Code of Ethics
in 2019, the Board, together withthe committee members, organized the articles (code) into its final draft. However, the onsetof the global pandemic in 2020 resulted in the disruption and changes i. priority in the work of the Board and the Committee.