
Cards (8)

  • The participants were collected using an opportunity sample
  • On arrival the children were given a mental test given by a psychologist to assess their intelligence. the Binet scale was used
  • Whilst the test went on the psychologist also noted down the emotional attitude of the child
  • The mothers of the children where also interviewed by a social worker and noted down preliminary details of the child’s early psychiatric history
  • Both the psychologist and social worker reported back to the psychiatrist, Bowlby. The psychiatrist then interviewed the child and mother
  • after the two hour examination the team considered school reports and discussed their conclusions.
  • The children then went on to meet with the psychiatrist weekly over a period of six months or more. the mothers also talked over their problems with the social worker.
  • These meetings and discussions enabled detailed case history to be recorded, and also enables the psychiatrist to diagnose the children’s emotional problems