A passage to africa - George

Cards (23)

  • Passage to Africa
    Could mean a journey to Africa or a dedication to Africa
  • Anna Gaea
    Writes about his experiences as a television reporter during the war in Somalia
  • This is autobiographical writing
  • Adjectives used to describe the faces Gaea saw
    • Hungry
    • Lean
    • Scared
    • Betrayed
  • Gaea can only remember one face out of the thousand he saw
  • Hamlet
    A village in the back of beyond, a place the aid agencies had yet to reach
  • As Gaea and his cameraman continued their search

    What might have pulled them when they started their trip just a few days before no longer impressed them much
  • Ghoulish manner of journalists

    On the hunt for the most striking pictures
  • Gaea and his cameraman tramped from one cut to another
  • The search for the shocking
    Is like the craving for a drug, you require heavier more frequent doses the longer you're at it
  • Images of people experiencing terrible things are dismissed as "the same old stuff"
  • Abdur Amin's daughter Heribieber
    10 years old, died while Abdur Amin was out searching for wild edible roots
  • Reactions to the death of Heribieber
    • No rage
    • No whimpering
    • Just a passing away
  • Heribieber's state is described as "half-life"
  • The old woman Gaea encountered had a festering wound the size of his hand from being shot in the leg
  • The old woman's shattered leg

    Had fused into the gentle V shape of a boomerang, and was rotting
  • Gaea's reaction to everyone else he met that day was a mixture of pity and revulsion
  • Gaea felt ashamed about feeling revulsion at the degeneration of the human body in the feeding centres
  • Despite their suffering, the Somali people still aspired to a dignity that was almost impossible to achieve
  • The smile Gaea saw on a man's face
    It was not a smile of greeting or joy, but a feeble smile of embarrassment and apology
  • The smile turned the tables on the tacit agreement between journalist and subject
    The man had posed a question that cut to the heart of the relationship between Gaea and him, between "us and them", between the rich world and the poor world
  • Gaea resolved to write about this experience with all the power and purpose he could muster
  • Gaea regrets not finding out the man's name, as meeting him was a seminal moment in Gaea's collection of experiences