
Cards (6)

  • Cheer Dance
    A coined term from the words Cheer and Dance, originated in the United States
  • Cheer
    To shout out words or phrases that may help motivate and boost the morale of a playing team and perform better during a game
  • Dance
    A physical activity where one expresses emotions or gesture while performing bodily movements, usually in time with rhythm
  • Basic Arm, Hand, and Feet Positions of Cheer Dance
    1. Clap
    2. Clasp
    3. High V
    4. Low V
    5. L Motion
    6. Hands on Waist
    7. K Motion
    8. Punch
    9. Diagonal
    10. Big T or "T"
    11. Feet Together
    12. Feet Apart
    13. Left/Right Dig
    14. Left/Right Side Dig
    15. Left/Right Hitch
    16. Left/Right Liberty
    17. Left/Right Scale
  • Cheerleading originated in the US, started by Princeton graduate Thomas Peebles on November 2, 1898
  • Cheerleading is over 100 years old and started when all cheerleaders were men