Increasedparticipation, motivation and jobsatisfaction
Increased participation, motivation and jobsatisfaction for all members of the team because the leader creates a positive, supportiveworkingenvironment and provides opportunities for team members to develop.
Increasedproductivity and quickerachievement of goals
Increased productivity and quicker achievement of goals because the leader will clearly define the aims and objectives for the team helping ensure everyone to working towards the same goal.
Bettercareerprospects for all team members
Bettercareerprospects for all team members because the leader will have created clearchannels of communication and activitypromoted collaborative working.
Greaterchance of the team's work being accepted without question
Greater chance of the team's work being acceptedwithoutquestion because the leader will have established a reputation based on expertise and integrity.
More and betterideas
More and better ideas will come from the team because the leader will have open, 2-waycommunication between them and their team members, encouraginggreaterparticipation.