Muscular system

Cards (79)

  • Myology
    The scientific study of muscles
  • Muscle types
    • Skeletal
    • Cardiac
    • Smooth
  • Skeletal muscle
    • Striated, voluntary
  • Cardiac muscle
    • Striated, involuntary
  • Smooth muscle
    • Non-striated, involuntary
  • Functions of muscular tissue
    • Producing body movements
    • Stabilizing body positions
    • Regulating organ volume
    • Moving substances within the body
    • Releasing heat
  • Epimysium
    Covering an entire muscle
  • Perimysium
    Covering fascicles
  • Endomysium
    Covering individual muscle fibres
  • Tendons
    Extensions of connective tissue beyond muscle fibres that attach the muscle to bone
  • Skeletal muscles are well supplied with nerves and blood vessels, which provide nutrients and oxygen for contraction
  • Muscle fasciculi
    Groups of skeletal muscle fibres
  • Skeletal muscle
    Many muscle fasciculi joined together
  • Skeletal muscle fibre
    Multinucleated cell that acts as a single contractile unit
  • Sarcolemma
    Plasma membrane that encloses the entire skeletal muscle fibre
  • Transverse tubules (T-tubules)
    Tunnels that extend from the surface toward the center of each muscle fibre, connected with sarcoplasmic reticulum on either side to form a triad
  • Sarcoplasm
    Fluid-filled space within a skeletal muscle fibre
  • Myofibrils
    Contain thin and thick filaments
  • Sarcomere
    Functional unit of striated muscle fibres
  • Thick filaments

    Contain myosin
  • Thin filaments
    Contain actin, tropomyosin, and troponin
  • Sarcoplasmic reticulum
    Specialised endoplasmic reticulum present in skeletal muscle fibres, stores calcium ions
  • Terminal cisternae
    Dilated terminal sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
    1. tubule
    Invagination of the sarcolemma, lies between the two terminal cisternae to form a triad
  • Triad
    Structure formed by the two terminal cisternae and the t-tubule in between them
  • Myosin heavy chains
    Coiled around each other to form a double helix that forms the tail of myosin thick filaments
  • Myosin heads
    Globular structures at the end of the myosin heavy chains, with two light chains
  • Actin
    Protein that forms thin filaments, has an ADP active site for cross-bridge formation
  • Tropomyosin
    Protein wrapped around actin in thin filaments, covers the active sites and prevents cross-bridge formation in resting state
  • Troponin
    Protein attached to tropomyosin, initiates the process of skeletal muscle contraction when calcium ions bind to it
  • Z discs
    Zig-zagging zones of dense protein material that separate sarcomeres
  • A band
    Darker area extending the entire length of the thick filaments
  • H zone
    Narrow area at the center of the A band, contains only the thick filaments
  • I band
    Lighter-coloured area to either side of the A band, contains the thin filaments but no thick filaments
  • Blood vessels lie between the fascicles, and each muscle is supplied by many capillaries, reducing the diffusion distance
  • Pump function of skeletal muscle
    Veins embedded within a muscle are compressed during contraction, causing an increase in blood pressure due to one-way valves, driving blood towards the heart
  • Muscle action potential

    Electrical signal delivered by a motor neuron that stimulates a skeletal muscle fibre to contract
  • Motor unit

    Single motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it stimulates
  • Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)
    Synapse between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fibre
  • Voltage-gated calcium channels
    In the terminal axon, open when the axon terminal is depolarized by the nerve impulse