3.3.3: Digestion & Absorption

Cards (3)

  • -> Explain the process for lipid digestion.
    • (Big) lipid droplet is mixed with bile salts produced by the liver and gallbladder -> emulsification
    • Emulsification causes small lipid droplets to form micelles (smaller lipid droplets)
    • Pancreatic lipase hydrolyses ester bonds of micelles to form monoglycerides and fatty acids (which can recombine constantly)
    • Monoglycerides and fatty acids enter epithelial cells of ileum via simple diffusion
    • Reach the rough E.R, recombine to form triglycerides
  • Explain the process for lipid digestion (cont.)
    • Associate with cholesterol and lipoproteins -> chylomicrons
    • Chylomicrons exit cell via exocytosis in lacteals through to lymphatic system
    • Enter bloodstream
    • Enzymes in capillary endothelial cells hydrolyse chylomicrons
    • Products diffuse into cells as needed.
  • Absorption of glucose
    • AT of Na+ from epithelial cells of ileum to capillaries/blood (concentration gradient established between epithelial & capillaries)
    • Co-transport of glucose & Na+ TOGETHER through symport Na+ dependent co-transporter protein back into epithelial cell
    • Glucose diffuses into bloodstream via facilitated diffusion accordingly