The natural environment made up of rock, soil,vegetation, living creatures, air and water
Different ecosystems
Rainforest ecosystem
Ocean ecosystem
Hot Desert ecosystem
Cold Desert ecosystem
Abiotic aspects
Habitats made up of rocks, soil, water, air etc.
Biotic factors
Living things made up of biological organisms (Biomass)
Large ecosystems such as a TropicalRainForest
Depend on the flow of energy
Depend on the recycling of nutrients
Energy flows
1. Photosynthesis
2. Producers
3. Herbivores
4. Carnivores
5. Decomposers
6. Food chain
Energy flows and Nutrient Recycling
1. Transpiration
2. Respiration
3. Consumption
4. Decomposition
Producers, Primary Consumers, Secondary Consumers
Primary Consumers
Secondary Consumers
Ways humans can harm ecosystems
Cutting down trees (deforestation)
Pollutingtheenvironment (land, air and water)
The use of fertilizers
Building roads through the countryside and/or forests
The Maltese Islands are surprisingly rich in biodiversity
There are over 4,500 species of flora and fauna in the Maltese Islands
Maltese ecosystems
Woodland ecosystem
Maquis ecosystem
Garigue ecosystem
Steppe ecosystem
Maltese ecosystems can change into other ecosystems without humaninterference
Maltese ecosystems
Sand Dunes
Fresh water springs
A common type of ecosystem in Malta known as Xagħri, found on rocky land with very few soil deposits, with droughtresistant and aromatic plants like Wild Thyme (Sagħtar), resistant to grazing
The most common type of Mediterranean vegetation, containing trees like Evergreen Oak (Ballut), Aleppo Pine (Żnuber), the richest Maltese ecosystem
Contains trees like Carob (Ħarrub) and Olive (Żebbuġ) with openspaces in between, drought resistant and can withstand long periods of norainfall, also contains shrubs
Once either garigue or maquis-type ecosystem degradedbyhuman activity, commonly contain grass and shrubs, found on clay slopes and rockyterrain, grasses easily attach to clothes and socks for seed dispersal
Saline Marshland
Found in coastalareas that fill up with rainwater and seawater, known as Ilma Salmastru, example is Għadira Nature Reserve
Saline Marshlands are home to the Mediterranean Killifish (Bużaqq), small fish living in saline lakes, marshes, and coastal saline lagoons
Some SalineMarshlands were drained and builtup, like Marsa Sports Grounds
Freshwater Ecosystems
Perennial water springs found in some valleys like Baħrija Valley, San Martin Valley, and Wied tal-Lunzjata, endangered due to over-extraction of water, home to the endangeredFreshwaterCrab
Perched Aquifer
Body of freshwater above impermeableclaydeposits
Mean-Sea-Level Aquifer
Convex lens-shaped freshwater body at mean-sea-level above densersaltwater
Sand Dune Ecosystems
Remains found in places like Ramla l-Ħamra, Għadira Bay, Ġnejna and Golden Bay, low humps of sand kept together by vegetation adapted to withstand sea salt, damaged by coastal development and human activity
According to a recent study, Maltese Ecosystems and Biodiversity are the mostatrisk on Earth