Benefits of Team Working to the Organisation

Cards (4)

  • Multi-skilled and flexible workforce
    Teams allow staff to be more flexible and to adapt to the needs of the business. For example, if a member of staff leaves the organisation or is absent, other members of the team can cover the person's duties between them more easily.
  • Increased responsibility and less supervision
    Team work creates a sense of interdependence between team members and encourages team members to take on additional responsibility. As a result of this, teams require less supervision which could result in fewer levels of management, reducing costs.
  • Increased productivity
    As a result of increased morale, motivation and sharing of expertise, productivity will increase. Effective teams will have created social bonds, meaning no team member will want to let the other team members down, and therefore they will want to achieve their best for the team.
  • Reduced Costs
    As a result of increased morale and motivation, there is also likely to be a reduction in staff turnover, reducing recruitment and selection costs.