Consists of lymph, lymphatic vessels, several structures including organs containing lymphatic tissue, such as spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, lymph nodules, and red bone marrow
Defenses present at birth, includes physical and chemical barriers, antimicrobial substances, phagocytes, natural killer cells, inflammation, and fever
Fever is an elevated body temperature that intensifies the effects of interferons, inhibits the growth of some microbes, and speeds up body reactions that aid repair
About 80% of all antibodies in the blood; also found in lymph and the intestines; protects against bacteria and viruses by enhancing phagocytosis, neutralizing toxins, and triggering the complement system; only class of antibody to cross the placenta from mother to fetus, conferring considerable immune protection in newborns
About 10-15% of all antibodies in the blood; found mainly in sweat, tears, saliva, mucus, breast milk, and gastrointestinal secretions; provides localized protection against bacteria and viruses on mucous membranes
About 5-10% of all antibodies in the blood; also found in lymph; first antibody class to be secreted by plasma cells after an initial exposure to any antigen; activates complement and causes agglutination and lysis of microbes
Less than 0.1% of all antibodies in the blood; also located on mast cells and basophils; involved in allergic and hypersensitivity reactions and provides protection against parasitic worms