Registration of CGEs with BSP
1. Submit the following minimum information to the BSP: Business Name, Directors, Key Officers and Substantial Stakeholders, Principal Place of Business and Contact Details, Notarized Deed of Undertaking to strictly and continuously comply with the requirements of all relevant laws, rules and regulations, signed either by the owner, partner, president or officer of equivalent rank and such other information or documents that may be required by the BSP
2. After due registration and payment of registration fee, an electronically generated serially numbered Acknowledge of Registration (AoR) shall be issued and shall be valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issuance and renewable thereafter on the anniversary month when it was originally registered
3. The entity shall be allowed to post the BSP-issued AOR and certified true copies thereof in its place of business and branches, if any
4. The list of registered CGEs shall be published in the BSP website in order to enable the public, its clients/consumers to determine if their counterparty is registered with the BSP, for purposes of determining compliance with the Act and its IRRs