Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior
Kohlberg's Levels/Stages of Moral Development
Level I: Obedience/Punishment
Level I: Self-Interest
Level II: Conformity and Interpersonal Accord
Level II: Authority and Social Order
Level III: Social Contract
Level III: Universal Principles
Level I: Obedience/Punishment
No difference between doing the right thing and avoiding punishment
Level I: Self-Interest
Interest shifts to rewards rather than punishment, effort is made to secure greatest benefit for oneself
Level II: Conformity and Interpersonal Accord
The "good boy/girl" level. Effort is made to secure approval and maintain friendly relations with others
Level II: Authority and Social Order
Orientation toward fixed rules. The purpose of morality is maintaining the social order. Interpersonal accord is expanded to include the entire society
Level III: Social Contract
Mutual benefit, reciprocity. Morally right and legally right are not always the same. Utilitarian rules that make life better for everyone
Level III: Universal Principles
Morality is based on principles that transcend mutual benefit
Conforming to a standard of right behavior
Lawrence Kohlberg was born in New York City in 1927, graduated from the University of Chicago in one year, attended Yale and earned a PhD in psychology, and became fascinated by moral development in children, theorizing six stages of human moral development
Stage 1: Punishment & Obedience
A focus on direct consequences, negative actions will result in punishments
Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation
Physical consequences of an action determines goodness or badness
Those in authority have superior power and should be obeyed
Punishment should be avoided by staying out of trouble
Stage 2: Mutual Benefit
Getting what one wants often requires giving something up in return, "Right" is a fair exchange, morals guided by what is "fair"
Action is judged to be right if it is instrumental or satisfying one's own needs or involve on even exchange
Obeying rules should bring some sort of benefit in return
Stage 3: Interpersonal Expectations
An attempt to live up to the expectations of important others, follow rules or do what others would want so that you win their approval
Stage 3: Good Boy-Nice Girl Orientation/Social Approval
Right action is one that would be carried out by someone whose behavior is likely to please or impress others
Stage 4: Law-and-Order
To maintain social order, people must resist personal pressures and follow the laws of the larger society, respect the laws & authority
Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation
Fixed rules must be established and obeyed, essential to respect authority, moral decisions should be made in terms of self-chosen ethical principles
Stage 5: Legal Principles
Must protect the basic rights of all people by upholding the legal principles of fairness, justice, equality & democracy, laws that fail to promote general welfare or that violate ethical principles can be changed, reinterpreted, or abandoned
Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation
Rules are needed to maintain the social agreement & the rights of the individual should be protected
Stage 6: Universal Moral Principles
Self-chosen ethical principles, profound respect for sanctity of human life, nonviolence, equality & human dignity, moral principles take precedence over laws that might conflict with them
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principle Orientation
Moral decisions should be made in terms of self-chosen ethical principles, once principles are chosen, they should be applied in a consistent way