Norm - standard or pattern especially of social behavior that is typical or expected of a group
Standard - a level of quality of attainment, it is also an idea or thing use as a measure, norm comparative evaluation
Evaluation - the making of a judgement about the amount number or value of something
Identify fundamental ethical values - Evaluation
Moral - kinds of actions they believe are morally right and wrong as well as the value they place on the kinds of object
What is Norm?
standard or pattern especially of social behavior that is typical or expected of a group
What is Standard?
a level of quality of attainment, it is also an idea or thing use as a measure
Differences between Moral and Non-moral
Moral - respectotherpeople
Non-moral - doesn'taffectotherpeople
Characteristics of Moral
Deals with matterwethinkseriouslyinjureor benefits humans
Non-moral - refer to the standards by which we judge what is good or bad and right and wrong in a non-moral way
What is Non-Moral
refer to the standards by which we judge what is good or bad and right and wrong in a non-moralway
Matter of taste or preference/choice
What is Evaluation?
the making of a judgement about the amountnumber or value of something
What is Moral?
kindsofactions they believe are morally right and wrong as well as the value they place on the kinds of object
Characteristics of Non-moral
The welfare of nonbeings relies in authority
Example of Non-moral
table manners
general etiquette
Dilemma - it is a situation where a person has to choose between 2 or more conflicting opinion, neither of which is acceptable
Moral Dilemma - it is a conflict which is you have to choose two or more moral values in choosing that action
What is Dilemma
it is a situation where a person has to choosebetween2 or moreconflictingopinion, neither of which is acceptable
What is Moral Dilemma
it is a conflict which is you have to choosetwo or more moral values in choosing that action
3 levels of Moral Dilemma
Individual Moral Dilemma
OrganizationalMoral Dilemma
Systematic / StructuralMoralDilemma
Individualmoraldilemma - this are personal level ( you can solve it on your own )
Organizationalmoraldilemma - ethical cases encountered and resolve by social organization such as business, hospital, public sectors, etc...
Systematic / Structural moraldilemma - ethical standard that are universal and general
Based on self principle
individual rights and justice
Individual moral dilemma
you can resolve with the help of other people
welfare of the organization vs. welfare of yourself
you need help with friends and family
involves our country/people around us to resolve the dilemma
Systematic / Structural moral dilemma
Give me example of organizational moral dilemma
sexual harassment
Give me example of systematic / structural moral dilemma
Process in solving moral dilemma
Identify the duties that conflict in the situation
Formulate a question of ethics that reflects the conflict
Decide which duty should have priority and support of the choice
Free Will - According to Oxford Languages, Free will is the idea that we are able to have some choice on how we act and assume that we are free to choose our behaviour.
Requisite for Moral responsibility
Needed for Moral Responsibility
Power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint (Novelo, 2020)
Immanuel Kant (April 22, 1724 - Feb 12, 1804)
Power to initiate one action from one self the only way to exercise freedom is through the law of own will that is called moral law.
According to Immanuel Kant:
The absence of choice is dilemma
“To act freely is to act autonomously”
Immanuel Kant
Having the right/power of self-government
Acting freely is = acting morally
Having the right/power of self-government
Role of freedom in Morality
A virtue man is a free man
Freedom is rooted in Reason and Will
In every action → determines who you are → identity
The true requirement of freedom is Responsibility
More freedom, More Opportunity
According to Oxford Languages, Free will is the idea that we are able to have some choice on how we act and assume that we are free to choose our behaviour.