what is statistical infrequency as an explanation of abnormality?
when an individual has a less common characteristics than others.
when is Statistical infrequency useful?
it is useful when dealing with things that can be measured.
evaluate statistical infrequency
§ statistical infrequency as a measure of abnormality has a real-life application in clinical assessment patients with mental illnesses have their symptoms compared to statistical normal indicate the severity of their illness.
§ Some people might be harmed by labels e.g. if someone has a low IQ and is living a happy life labelling them as intellectually disabled could be very upsetting.
§ Statistical frequency can be positive too (e.g. high IQ is seen as desirable) and therefore displaying statistical.
What is deviation from social norms?
Behavior that goes against the accepted standards or expectations of a society.
Some would argue that despite society being different nowadays, modern diagnoses of mental disorders are still just abusing individuals' right to be different
when a person cannot cope with the ordinary daily demands of life.
what are the signs Rosenhan & Seligman said to look out for
not conforming to interpersonal rules
experiencing personal distress
behaving irrationally
low IQ would not lead to diagnosis unless the person was unable function adequately
Evaluate failure to function adequately
· Failure to function adequately is a useful measure of abnormality as it attempts to include the subjective experience of the individual and is therefore perhaps more likely to capture those who are in need of support.
· People who choose to live alternative lifestyles could be interpreted as failing to function adequately and then we risk limiting personal freedom and discriminating against minority groups.
· Assessing whether someone is failing to function comes down to subjective judgment. There are objective checklist
what is abnormality
the absence of criteria for good mental health
what is deviation from ideal mental health?
according to Jahoda 1958 there are criteria’s a person must meet for a good mental health and the more criteria absent the more the person is unable to cope:
self-actualisation, cope with stress, realistic view of the world, good self-esteem or lack of guilt, independent, successful work, love and leisure, accurate self-perception and no sign of distress
evaluate deviation of mental health
· A broad range criteria is given for what good mental health looks like, so covers most reasons a person would seek mental health services for.
· Some say Jahoda’s classification of ideal mental health is culture bound (e.g. self-actualisation)
· Sets an unrealistically high bar for mental health.