
Cards (17)

  • STRATUMS basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum
  • merkel cells are mechanoreceptors
  • melanocytes produce melanin to protect nuclei from UV damage
  • keratinocytes synthesise keratin which form a waterproof barrier using keratin filaments
  • langherhan cells are resident dendritic immune cells
  • vasodilation leading to increased blood flow (erythema) leading to inc. vascular permeability from contraction of endothelium from histamine, bradykinin, leukotrine, substance P mediators and direct vessel injury. This leads to oedema. Simultaneously rolling, adhesion and emigration of neutrophils that phagocytose.
  • Serous
    Exudation of cell-poor fluid. Some protein, small number of inflammatory cells. Usually occurs in the peritoneum, pleura, or pericardium. Can also be caused by non-inflammatory conditions.
  • Fibrinous
    Due to large vascular leaks or a local procoagulant stimulus. Fibrinogen (from leak) causes fibrin which later organises to fibrous. Occurs in body cavities e.g. meninges and serosal surfaces.
  • Suppurative
    Living and dead neutrophils are abundant but mixed with products of tissue digestion to form "pus." An abscess is a localised collection of pus (creates own space vs empyema in potential space).
  • Ulcerative
    Local defect, or excavation, of the surface of an organ or tissue. Produced by the sloughing (shedding) of inflamed necrotic tissue.
  • Papillary (superfcial) dermis – dermal papillae, separated from
    epidermis by basement membrane, collagen and elastc fbres,
    anchoring fbres from BL of epidermis, capillary loops, Meissner
    Reticular (deep) layer – bundles of collagen fbres, elastc fbres,
    sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, smooth muscle
    fbres (arrector pili), Pacinian and Ruffini corpuscles in deeper
  • Cell mediated immunity:
    • components - T lymphocytes (actvated by APCs – professional
    (MHC2) and non-professional (MHC1))
    • defence against: bacteria and viruses within phagocytc or infected
    host cells, fungi, protozoa and helminths
    Antbody mediated (humoral) immunity:
    • Components: B lymphocytes (actvated by T-dependent antgens or T-
    independent antgens) & antbodies
    • Defence against bacteria, bacterial toxins, and viruses in bodily fuids
  • eccrine sweat glands are abundant and odourless
  • apocrine more viscous and thick, bacteria break down to form odour, controlled by nervous system and hormones
  • Exotoxins: secreted by some bacteria
    (mainly gram +ve) into surrounding
    medium, rapidly dispersed (soluble in
    body fuids). Heat labile, destroy host
    cells or disrupt certain cellular
    functons. 3 types – AB toxins,
    Membrane disruptng toxins,
    Superantgens. botulism, diptheria, tetanus
  • Endotoxins: component of outer-
    membrane of Gram-negatve bacteria.
    Death of bacterial cell liberates
    endotoxin, hence antbiotcs lyse
    bacterial cells temporarily releasing
    endotoxin. Endotoxin exposure does
    not promote formaton of efectve ant-
    toxin. typhoid and meningococcal meningitis
  • stimulus, cytokine (kinin, histamine), dilation, flow, permeability, oedema, migration of neutrophils