
Cards (16)

  • Proudhon
    "I am an anarchist"
  • Proudhon
    "property is theft"
  • Lord Acton 1956
    "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely
  • Proudhon
    "to be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right or the wisdom nor the virtue to do so"
  • Goldman
    "The government is symbolised by 'the club, the gun, the handcuff or the prison"
  • Goldman
    "The state itself is the greatest criminal"
    "stealing in the form of taxes"
  • Bakunin
    "the abolition of church and state must be the first and indispensable condition of the liberation of society"
  • Bakunin
    "Where the state begins, individual liberty ceases"
  • Bakunin
    "if there is a state, then there is domination, and in turn, there is slavery"
  • Kropotkin
    "The means of production being the collective work of humanity, the product should be the collective property of the race"
  • Kropotkin
    "sociability is much a law of nature as mutual struggle"
  • Stirner
    "nothing is more to me than myself"
  • Stirner - individualist

    "There is no judge but I who can decide if I am right or wrong"
  • Kropotkin
    "mutual aid is the best garuntee of existence and progress"
  • Goldman - state
    "the state is a cold monster"
  • Bakunin - Society 

    "I am only free when all human beings are equally free."