
Cards (7)

  • STM duration (Peterson&Peterson) - procedure
    each student given consonant syllable to remember
    student told to count backawards and told to stop after 3, 6, 9 ,etc seconds
  • STM duration (Peterson&Peterson) - findings
    after 3 seconds recall was 80% accurate
    after 18 seconds reacll was 3% accurate
    STM duration 18 seconds
  • LTM duration (Bahrick) - photo recognition 

    people asked to remember people based on photos
    after 15 years - 90% accurate
    after 48 years - 70% accurate
  • LTM duration (Bahrick) - free recall 

    people asked to recall people names from memory
    after 15 years - 60% accurate
    after 48 years - 30% accurate
  • LTM duration is for a
  • peterson&peterson - external validity
    P: limitation - peterson&peterson's study didn't use meaningful material
    E: we do try to remember meaningless material such as phone numbers
    E: however consonant syllables do not reflect everyday memory tasks at all
    L: therefore study lacks validity
  • bahrick's study - external validity
    P: bahrick's study has high external validity
    E: researchers investigated meaningful memories
    E: studies conducted on LTM with meaningless pictures to be remembered led to less accurate recall rates
    L: therefore bahrick's findings reflect a more 'real' estimate of LTM duration