Chadwick - "spread of cholera was due to contaminated drinking water"
18th and 19th century
Arnold Rikli - fresh air, sunlight and cold water swimming
Dr. Benedict Lust founded the American School of Naturopathy in New York
Dr. Lust founded the American Naturopathy Association
Key Principles of Naturopathy
Promote the healing power of nature
Disease is a natural part of nature
Promote health and preventdisease
The body will healitself
Germs are not the major cause of the disease
First, do no harm
Alternative medicine technique where practitioners claim patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health
Mineral Analysis
Used to re-establish balance of the chemicals in the body and assesses the body's mineral deficiencies and toxin levels
Naturopathic Treatments
1. Balancing four major body systems
2. Education and counseling
3. Nutrition
4. Botanicals and traditional medicine
5. Manipulative therapies
6. Hydrotherapy
Involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment, taking advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases