A vaginal infection caused by a variety of bacteria; an example of a synergistic infection
Bactericidal Agent
A chemical agent or drug that kills bacteria; a bactericide
Proteins produced by certain bacteria that can kill other bacteria
One who specializes in the science of bacteriology
The study of bacteria
A virus that infects a bacterium; also known simply as a phage
Bacteriostatic Agent
A chemical agent or drug that inhibits the growth of bacteria
The presence of bacteria in the urine
Barometric Pressure
The pressure of the atmosphere as indicated by an instrument called a barometer
Inflammation of the Bartholin gland in women
A type of granulocyte found in blood; its granules contain acidic substances that attract basic dyes
Beneficial Mutation
A mutation that is of benefit to the mutant organism
Binary Fission
A method of reproduction whereby one cell divides to become two cells; the method by which bacteria reproduce
The chemistry of living organisms; the chemistry of life
Biocidal Agent
A chemical agent that destroys living organisms, especially microorganisms
Complex and persistent communities of assorted microorganisms
The theory that life originates only from preexisting life and never from nonliving matter
Biologic Catalysts
Enzymes; biologic molecules that catalyze chemical reactions
Biologic Vector
An arthropod vector within which a pathogen multiplies or matures
Biologic Warfare Agents
Pathogens used as weapons in warfare
The study of living organisms; the study of life
The total mass or number of living organisms in a particular area or volume
The use of microorganisms to clean up industrial and toxic wastes
The use of living organisms or their derivatives to make or modify products or processes
Bioterrorist Agents
Pathogens used by terrorists
Biotherapeutic Agents
Microorganisms used for therapeutic purposes to treat various diseases or conditions
The pattern of positive and negative biochemical test results obtained when a particular microorganism is tested
Black Piedra
A hair infection caused by the mould Piedraia bortae
Blocking Antibodies
ImmunoglobulinG (igG) antibodies produced by the body in response to allergy shots; they combine with allergens, thus preventing the allergens from attaching to IgE antibodies on the surface of basophils and mast cells
Botulinal Toxin
The neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum; causes botulism; known by various other names such as botulin and botulinum toxin
A neurologic disease caused by a neurotoxin (botulinal toxin) produced by Clostridium botulium, a spore-forming, anaer-obic, Gram-positive bacillus
Brightfield Microscope
Another name for a compound light microscope; refers to the fact that objects are observed against a bright background
Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics
Antibiotics that are effective againsta wide range of bacteria; they are effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the bronchial tubes