Matter occupies space and exists as solid, liquid, or gas.
Pure substances is a type of matter having an invariant chemical composition and distinct properties, single element, constant, physical, and chemical properties
The Periodic table is extremely important to know the atomic number of an element.
The following hidden elements are: Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Copper, silver, tungsten, antimony, tin, mercury, gold, and lead.
John Dalton is a British chemist and physicist in the atomic theory.
Niels Bohr is a Danish physicist who developed the model of atom with electrons revolving around the nucleus at fixed energy levels.
Ernest Rutherford is a New Zealand-born British scientist who conducted experiments on alpha particles which led him to conclude that most of the mass of an atom was concentrated in its center.
J.J Thompson is known for his Plum Pudding model
The Plum Pudding model contains tiny positive charges scattered throughout a cloud of negative electrons.
Atom comes from the greek word atomos and the first to invent it is Democritus
Planetary model is the model where electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom in specific energy levels or shells.
Atomic Orbitals have three dimensional regions where electrons are likely to be found.
Na (Sodium) is originally the Latin word "natrium"
K (Potassium) is orignally the Latin word for kalium
Cu (Copper) is from the Latin word "cuprum" from the Greak word "kupros" meaning crypus
W(Tungsten) is from the German word "wolfrahm" meaning "wolf cream"
Sn(Tin) is from the Latin stannum, a lead and silver alloy
Hg (Mercury) is from the Latin word hydrargye that means mercury
Sb (Antimony
The gold foil experiment was done by Ernest Rutherford
(By color, place, planet, or scientist?)
(By color, place, planet, or scientist?)
(By color, place, planet, or scientist?)
first element named after a person while he was still alive
pure substances made up of two or more different elements that are chemically bonded together
Sodium Bicarbonate can be seen inside baking soda
(T or F) Smog is an example of a homogeneous mixture
mixture of chemical elements where the primary component is metal
Which one of these is not a solution?
milk, rubbing alcohol, iced tea
New zealand physicist
Ernest Rutherford
This model explained why atoms emit light and absorb certain colors of light
Planetary model
electrons exist as a probable wavelike pattern around the nucleus and not in an orbit
Quantum model
austrian physicist renowed for his contributions to quantum mechanics
Erwin Schrodinger
First to model nucleus
Ernest Rutherford
creator of Planetary model
Niels Bohr
fundamental unit of matter
made up of two or more atoms
(T or F) Colloid can not be separated by filtration