In the Liturgical Year, the church celebrates the whole mystery of Christ from His incarnation to His return in glory
On set days, the church venerates with special love the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, the church also keeps the memorials of saints who lived for Christ, who suffered with Him, and who live with Him in glory
Mary's parents
Sta. Ana and San Joaquin
Immaculate Concepcion (Mary), patron saint in Pasig
Liturgical Seasons and Colors
Advent: Violet, Purple, Blue Violet
Christmas: White
Ordinary Time: Green
Lent: Violet, Purple, Blue Violet
Easter Triduum (3-day Paschal): Violet - Red - White
Easter: White
Color of joy (3rd Advent)
Period before Easter in Christian Calendar; the period of 40 weekdays before Easter observed in some Christian churches as a period of prayer, penance, fasting, and self-denial
(Germanic) means "spring"
(Philippines), derived from Spanish word Cuarenta (40)
Lenten Practices
Lenten Season (Violet) - the Sundays of Lent have priority over Solemnities and Feasts of the Lord. All weekdays of Lent mark the beginning of Holy Week, also known as Palm Sunday
Holy Week - recalls the sufferings of our Lord
Double character of Lent
To prepare both catechumens and faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery
Are prepared for the celebration of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation [Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist]
Prepare by penance for the renewal of their baptismal promises
Lenten weekdays are not commemorated on solemnities and feasts. Ash Wednesday and the days of Holy Week take precedence over all solemnities and feasts
Alleluia is not sung or said from the beginning of Lent until Easter Vigil; nor is the "Te Deum" sung at or on Sundays of Lent
During the Lent the altar should not be decorated with flowers, and musical instruments may be played only to give necessary support for singing
On the Fourth Sunday of Lent ("Laetare") and on solemnities and feasts, musical instruments may be played and the altar decorated with flowers
If marriages are to take place during Lent, couples are reminded that the wedding plan should respect the special nature of this Liturgical Season; they should refrain from much pomp or display
Traditional Celebrations/Devotions during Lent
Way of the Cross
Altar of Repose/Visita Iglesia
Kumpisalang Bayan
Seven Last Words
Paglilibing (Procession)/Burol
The three days of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the highest point of the whole year
The solemnity of Easter is the whole Liturgical Year
The Triduum begins on Holy Thursday with the evening mass of the Lord's supper, continues to Good Friday with the solemn commemoration of the Lord's Passion and death, and reaches its high point in the celebration of the Easter Vigil. The Triduum closes in the evening of Easter Sunday
The color is white, but red on Good Friday
Salubong (Easter Vigil)
"Bati" dances for Maria as a greeting. Dalaga at 4 kids (lady)
Easter Season covers the 50 days between Easter Sunday and Pentecost. These days are celebrated as feast days but the first 8 days after Easter Sunday are called the Easter Octave and are celebrated as solemnities of the Lord
The color is white
On the 40th day after ascension to the Saturday before Pentecost, we prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The color is white. On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the sending of the Holy Spirit to the church. The color is red
Traditional Celebrations/Devotions during Easter
Easter Vigil Mass
Blessing of Paschal Candle
12 Readings
Gloria and Alleluia is sung
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Bunny
Old Testament - 46 books (pentateuch, torah)
New Testament - 27 books (gospels)
Means good news or good tidings. Speaks of the good news from the angelic message of Bethlehem (Luke 2:10) to the final commissioning to the Apostles (Mark 16:15)
The Gospels are the 4 authentic accounts of the Life, death and Resurrection of Jesus which the church declares as divinely inspired
"These have been recorded to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in His Name." - John 20:31
The Four Gospels
Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, John)
Meaning "to see with the same eyes". In general, they offer the same accounts of Jesus' life and teachings. There are similarities in many passages in the list of Mark, Matthew and John's Gospels
Dissimilarities in the Synoptic Gospels
Due to: Author's Different Theological Purposes, The Audience the Author's Addressed, The Historical Contents of Situations of Their Writings
Symbols of the Four Gospels
Mark: Lion
Matthew: Winged Human
Luke: Ox
John: Eagle (Theology of the logos or word)
Gospel According to Matthew
Objective: To prove that Jesus is the Messiah, the eternal king. Author: Matthew, formerly called Levi, the tax collector. One of the 12 Apostles. He specifically addressed the Gospel of the Jews