They are used to build materials in the body (muscles, skin..)
Sources of proteins
Lack of protein
Causes poor growth
They are used to store energy
Sources of fats
Plants (eg sunflowers)
Too much fatty meat
Can cause heart diseases
Carbohydrates (energy)
Proteins (growth)
Vitamins, minerals (healthy)
Water (essential)
Simple carbohydrates
Made up of sugar molecules (eg glucose, fructose)
Complex carbohydrates
Made up of several simple sugar molecules to form long complex chains (eg starch- plants, glycogen- animal)
Very large molecules made up of small building units known as amino acids
Proteins cannot be stored in human body
Uses of proteins
Needed for growth and developments
Build cells and repair damaged tissues
Involved in contraction and relaxation of muscles
Destroys or help destruction of foreign bodies such as bacteria (as antibodies)
Speed up chemical reaction (as enzymes)
Benedict's test
Produces a green/yellow/orange/bricked participate when simple carbohydrate (eg- glucose) is present but it remains blue when absent
Iodine test
Carried out to identify starch in food. A blue-black colour shows presence and yellow/brown colour absence of starch
Biuret test
Used to test for the presence of protein in food samples. A purple or violet colour is formed in the presence of protein but when protein is absent the colour remains blue
Emulsion test
Used to identify presence of fats. White/cloudy colour shows presence and no white emulsion when absent