Key Quotes

Cards (5)

  • "Dem tell me bout Florence nightingale and she lamp"
    Non-standard English used to describe what the poet learns, compared to what he wants to learn about his culture. It makes what he has been taught about Nightingale seem insignificant as he only remembers her "lamp". She is in the same stanza as fairy characters like robin hood making her seem unbelievable or fake.
  • "No dem never tell me bout dat"

    Double negative shows the narrators anger for not being educated about his culture. Adverb "never" suggests this exploitation has happened for a while and is inflexible. "Dem" (use of irony) refers to white culture which has suppressed his own.
  • "Bandage up me own eye with me own history"

    Deliberate attempt to hide and conceal his history. The image of the bandage is ironic, because bandages should be used for healing people but here they caused blindness.
  • "Dem"
    He avoids using conventional grammar, he doesn't want to be associated with the society that has deprived him of the knowledge he needs.
  • Repetition of "Dem Tell me"

    Repetition throughout the poem, emphasises the divide of the British educational system from himself. It creates a sense of "them" and "us"