Species Information

Cards (41)

  • Describe the species information for the American Manatee?
    Species Name: Trichechus manatus
    ICUN Designation: Vunerable
    Hemisphere: Western
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Andean Bear?
    Species Name: Tremarctos ornatus
    ICUN Designation: Vunerable
    Hemisphere: Western
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Axolotl?
    Species Name: Ambystoma mexicanum
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Bearded Pig?
    Species Name: Sus barbatus
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Black Rhino?
    Species Name: Diceros bicornis ssp. michaeli
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern
    Increasing/Decreasing: Increasing
  • Describe the species information for the Bull Shark?
    Species Name: Carcharhinus leucas
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Western 
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Cave Racer?
    Species Name: Elaphe taeniura
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern 
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Chambo?
    Species Name: Oreochromis lidole
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern 
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Cuchumatan Golden Toad?
    Species Name: Incilius aurarius
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western  
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Dingiso?
    Species Name: Dendrolagus mbaiso
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern  
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Fishing Cat?
    Species Name: Prionailurus viverrinus
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern  
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Gharial?

    Species Name: Gavialis gangeticus
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern  
    Increasing/Decreasing: Increasing
  • Describe the species information for the Giant Otter?
    Species Name: Pteronura brasiliensis
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western   
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana?
    Species Name: Cyclura lewisi
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western   
    Increasing/Decreasing: Increasing
  • Describe the species information for the Greenland Shark?
    Species Name: Somniosus microcephalus
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Guatemala Beaded Lizard?
    Species Name: Heloderma charlesbogerti
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western 
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Hawaiian Monk Seal?
    Species Name: Neomonachus schauinslandi
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western 
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Iberian Lynx?
    Species Name: Lynx pardinus
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern 
    Increasing/Decreasing: Increasing
  • Describe the species information for the Jaguar?
    Species Name: Panthera onca
    ICUN Designation: Near Threatened
    Hemisphere: Western  
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Japanese Seahorse?
    Species Name: Hippocampus mohnikei
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern  
    Increasing/Decreasing: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Kemp's Ridley?
    Species Name: Lepidochelys kempii
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Unknown
  • Describe the species information for the Maleo?
    Species Name: Macrocephalon maleo
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Mojave Desert Tortoise?
    Species Name: Gopherus agassizii
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western    
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Ocelot?
    Species Name: Leopardus pardalis
    ICUN Designation: Least Concern
    Hemisphere: Western    
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Okapi?
    Species Name: Okapia johnstoni
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern    
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Olm?
    Species Name: Proteus anguinus
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern    
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Orinoco Crocodile?
    Species Name: Crocodylus intermedius
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western     
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Otter Civet?
    Species Name: Cynogale bennettii
    ICUN Designation: Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern     
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Pied Tamarin?
    Species Name: Saguinus bicolor
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Western 
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Piping Plover?
    Species Name: Charadrius melodus
    ICUN Designation: Near Threatened
    Hemisphere: Western 
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Increasing
  • Describe the species information for the Purple Frog?
    Species Name: Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis
    ICUN Designation: Near Threatened
    Hemisphere: Eastern 
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Rainbow Parrotfish?
    Species Name: Scarus guacamaia
    ICUN Designation: Near Threatened
    Hemisphere: Western  
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Saola?
    Species Name: Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern  
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Shoebill?
    Species Name: Balaeniceps rex
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern  
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Smooth Skate?
    Species Name: Malacoraja senta
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Western   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown: Increasing
  • Describe the species information for the New Zealand Smooth Skate?
    Species Name: Dipturus innominatus
    ICUN Designation: Least Concern
    Hemisphere: Western   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown/Stable: Stable
  • Describe the species information for the Spotted Owl?
    Species Name: Strix occidentalis
    ICUN Designation: Near Threatened
    Hemisphere: Western   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown/Stable: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Sunda Pangolin?
    Species Name: Manis javanica
    ICUN Designation: Critically Endangered
    Hemisphere: Eastern   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown/Stable: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Takin?
    Species Name: Budorcas taxicolor
    ICUN Designation: Vulnerable
    Hemisphere: Eastern   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown/Stable: Decreasing
  • Describe the species information for the Tent Tortoise?
    Species Name: Psammobates tentorius
    ICUN Designation: Near Threatened
    Hemisphere: Eastern   
    Increasing/Decreasing/Unknown/Stable: Decreasing