Cards (12)

  • what are the united nations?
    an international organisation that tries to encourage peace, cooperation and friendship between countries.
  • what are the british values?
    Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, tolerance.
  • define victimisation
    discriminating against someone unfairly.
  • what did the 2001 and 2011 census numbers show about ethnicity?
    • a decrease in those identifying as white (still over 80%)
    • an increase in mixed / multiple ethnic groups such as asian; asian british; black african; black british
  • what did the 2001 and 2011 census numbers show about religion?
    • a decrease in those identifying as christian (still over 50%)
    • an increase in muslims (still second largest group)
    • increas in other main religious groups (hindu, sikh, jewish, buddhist)
    • an increasing in people with no religion (25%)
    • london is the most diverse place
  • how many people over the retirement age suffer with a disability?
  • what was the impact of increases in the benefit sanctions and laws such as the 'bedroom tax'?
    increase in poverty levels, more demand on charities (food banks, homeless shelters)
  • what is the impact of an ageing population?
    1. increased demands on the NHS
    2. higher cost of social care
    3. increase in age related illness
    4. raised cost of pensions for longer time periods
  • how many people were aged 85 and over in 2016?
    1.6 million people
  • what is expected to happen to the population over 85 in the UK in 2016-2041?
    it is expected to double from 1.6 million to 3.2 million by 2041 - due to the post-world war 2 'baby boom'
  • why does the UK have such a diversity of religions?
    because lots of people of different beliefs and understandings have migrated to the UK
  • what does the universal declaration of human rights state about religious freedoms?
    that everyone has the right to choose their own religion