Chapter 1

Cards (5)

  • There are 4 types of sources. Pictorial. written. Oral. Artifacts.
  • A trading center is where the exchange of sale of goods take place.
    1. Strategic location ; Temasek was located along the Straits of Melaka. It is a strategic location due to the fact that Ships sailing from China to India and beyond had to pass through the Straits of Melaka, as it was the quickest most convenient route.
  • Monsoon winds are seasonal rain-bearing winds that will reverse directions depending on the season. Ships were dependent on wind patterns.
  • Southeast Asia benefited from the increased trade between China and the rest of the world. Temasek was located near Srivijaya Kingdom, a powerful kingdom neat Western Indonesia. Ships used to sail and trade in Srivijaya as the kingdom had a strong navy that prevented piracy from attacking ships. However, Srivijaya fell as it came under multiple attacks, from external threats like the Chola Kingdom.