Why It's Listed

Cards (40)

  • Why is the American Manatee listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Watercraft collisions (25% all deaths, 35% documented deaths)
  • Why is the Andean Bear listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Habitat Loss
    Threat in Detail: 90% of ecosystems transformed; agricultural practices result in loss of natural ecosystems; Mining and oil exploitation have caused detrimental effects on all local species
  • Why is theAxolotl listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Pollution
    Threat in Detail: The desiccation and pollution of the canal system and lakes in Xochimilco and Chalco, as a result of urbanization and increased tourist activity is the primary threat to the species
  • Why is the Bearded Pig listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Fragmentation
    Threat in Detail: The eminent threat of fragmentation hinders Bearded Pigs' ability to track seasonal resources across large areas.
  • Why is the Black Rhino listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Poaching
    Threat in Detail: The main threat to the species is illegal hunting (poaching) to supply the illegal international rhino horn trade.
  • Why is the Why is the Bull Shark listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: By-Catch
    Threat in Detail: It is caught as target and bycatch in artisanal, industrial, and recreational fisheries across its range with multiple fishing gears including gillnet, longline, and trawl.
  • Why is the Cave Racer listed as Vunerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic / predation
    Threat in Detail: Roadkills due to the development of a paved road system, and predation by exotic predators such as weasels and peacocks 
  • Why is the Chambo listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Overfishing
    Threat in Detail: Overfishing is the primary threat as Chambo are the most valuable food fishes in Malawi. However, the population collapsed in the 1990s as a result of overfishing, and it is now considered Possibly Extinct (G. Turner pers. comm.).
  • Why is the Cuchumatan Golden Toad listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Deforestation
    Threat in Detail: The main threat to the habitat of this species is the conversion of forest to agricultural land, both on a subsistence and commercial level (Mendelson III et al. 2012). 
  • Why is the Dingiso listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Hunting
    Threat in Detail: It is threatened by hunting for food in parts of its range; in the eastern parts it has undergone major declines due to increasing human population and loss of habitat.
  • Why is the Fishing Cat listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Habitat Loss
    Threat in Detail:  The major threat across its South Asian range appears to be habitat loss and fragmentation by developmental activities such as urbanization, industrialization, agriculture and aquaculture (prawn and shrimp farms), whereas in Southeast Asia persecution is the major threat (Melisch et al. 1996, Cutter and Cutter 2009, Tantipisanuh et al. 2014, Willcox et al. 2014).
  • Why is the Gharial listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Dams / Barrages
    Threat in Detail: Major water control structures, including dams, barrages (=low, gated diversion dams) and related constructions, have been detrimental to gharial distribution and abundance on all of the river drainages in which the species occurred. These structures resulted in serious habitat fragmentation and degradation. 
  • Why is the Giant Otter listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: The species is threatened by multiple human activities throughout its range, destruction of riparian habitat, overfishing, contamination of water bodies—especially by gold mining, fossil fuel exploration, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers, diseases spread by domestic animals, and mismanaged tourism (Duplaix 1980, Schenck 1999, Utreras and Tirira 2011). 
  • Why is the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Predation
    Threat in Detail: Feral and free-roaming dogs and cats kill adults and juveniles respectively and have been shown to be capable of causing local extinction of other Cyclura species in absence of other threats (e.g., Iverson 1978). Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus) have also been observed to cause severe injury to Grand Cayman Blue Iguana hatchlings and may cause mortality. Cats, rats, and dogs have been observed throughout all areas of remaining Grand Cayman Blue Iguana occurrence.
  • Why is the Greenland Shark listed as Vunerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: By-Catch
    Threat in Detail: Historically, this species has been targeted for its liver oil since the 13th century in Norway, and from the 14th century in Iceland, with target catches peaking in the early 1900s and ending in the 1940s–1960s; More recently, since the 1960s, this species was threatened by bycatch in industrial fisheries. Greenland Shark has been taken as bycatch of trawl, longline, and gillnet fisheries in the Arctic Ocean and off Canada and the USA since the 1960s and Barents Sea.
  • Why is the Guatemala Beaded Lizard listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Deforestation
    Threat in Detail: The seasonally dry forests in which the species occurs are the most threatened biome in Mesoamerica, with the primary drivers being forest clearance for agriculture, cattle ranching and human population growth (Reiserer et al. 2013 and refs therein).
  • Why is the Hawaiian Monk Seal listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Resources
    Threat in Detail: Current threats to Monk Seals are thoroughly reviewed and analysed in National Marine Fisheries Service (2007). The most crucial threats in the NWHI at this time are: 1) food limitation that could be due to changes in oceanographic conditions, legacy impacts of fisheries, or competition with other predators
  • Why is the Iberian Lynx listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: As a manifestation of global change, human-assisted spread of diseases affecting European Rabbits had catastrophic effects on Iberian Lynx and remain a recurrent threat as the arrival of new viral strains may cause again a lasting depression of food availability for the Iberian Lynx. The prevalent rabbit lineage in southwestern Iberia, where rabbit restocking and other conservation measures take place, might be more vulnerable to rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD). 
  • Why is the Jaguar listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Habitat Loss
    Threat in Detail: Jaguar populations are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation 
  • Why is the Japanese Seahorse listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Hippocampus mohnikei is threatened by overexploitation (through targeted catch and as bycatch) and seagrass and mangrove habitat loss as a result of coastal development and pollution, destructive fishing practices such as trawling and the use of dynamite, and the effects of climate change including increased sea surface temperatures and frequency of storms 
  • Why is the Kemp's Ridley listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: By-Catch
    Threat in Detail: Fisheries: Bottom Trawls, top and midwater trawls, demersal gillnet, hook & line commercial, pelagic longline, drift & sink gillnet 
  • Why is the Maleo listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Fisheries: Unsustainable harvesting of eggs combined with human disturbance of nesting grounds has caused the abandonment of many nesting colonies and remains the major threat to those remaining.
  • Why is the Mojave Desert Tortoise listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Housing & urban areas, Commercial & industrial areas, Tourism & recreation areas
  • Why is the Ocelot listed as Least Concern by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Housing & urban areas, Commercial & industrial areas
  • Why is the Okapi listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Habitat Loss
    Threat in Detail: the major threat to this species is habitat loss due to logging and human settlement including illegal occupation of protected areas 
  • Why is the Olm listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Pollution
    Threat in Detail: The main threat to this species is increasing pollution of groundwater in karst landscapes, coming from intensive agriculture (overuse of fertilisers and phyto-pharmaceuticals), urbanization (non-functioning sewage and waste treatment, public landfills and illegal dumping in caves or permeable karst terrain), traffic and industry
  • Why is the Orinoco Crocodile listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Habitat Loss
    Threat in Detail: Continuing threats are habitat change, habitat fragmentation, and pollution due to riverside development and human occupancy.
  • Why is the Pied Tamarin listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Habitat Loss
    Threat in Detail: The principal threats to Saguinus bicolor include deforestation and habitat fragmentation related to expanding rural settlements and agriculture, livestock production, urban development, an expanding energy matrix and road network, all within this species' concentrated range in the vicinity of Manaus, the state capital of Amazonas.
  • Why is the Piping Plover listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Drought, inappropriate water and beach management, gas / oil industry dredging operations, development, shoreline stabilisation and beach recreation and disturbance
  • Why is the Purple Frog listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: There is an ongoing loss of natural habitats due to anthropogenic disturbance over much of the Western Ghats. This is caused by the development of roads and road widening
  • Why is the Rainbow Parrotfish listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Overfishing
    Threat in Detail: Intrinsic life history characteristics such as large size, natural rarity and shallow foraging areas render both species particularly susceptible to overfishing
  • Why is the Saola listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Hunting
    Threat in Detail: The greatest threat to Saola is hunting. While wildlife in the Saola's range are most threatened mainly by commercial hunting for the bushmeat and traditional medicine trades, specific demand for Saola is almost non-existent, because the species is unknown in the traditional Chinese pharmacopoeia (nor is its meat considered to be particularly tastier than muntjacs or Sambar).
  • Why is the Shoebill listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Habitat Loss
    Threat in Detail: Throughout most of its range, the species is threatened by habitat destruction and degradation, disturbance, hunting, and capture for the bird trade
  • Why is the Smooth Skate listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Overfishing
    Threat in Detail: The Smooth Skate is captured in demersal trawl, longline, pot, seine, gillnet, and dredge fisheries.
  • Why is the New Zealand Smooth Skate listed as Least Concern by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Overfishing
    Threat in Detail: The Smooth Skate is fished commercially, but most catch is taken incidentally in deepwater benthic trawl and longline fisheries. 
  • Why is the Spotted Owl listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Competition
    Threat in Detail: The two principle threats to the Spotted Owl are currently considered to be competition with the Barred Owl (Strix varia) and logging of the species's habitat
  • Why is the Sunda Pangolin listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Poaching
    Threat in Detail: The primary threat to the Sunda Pangolin is overexploitation from hunting and poaching, both targeted and untargeted, for local and international use. 
  • Why is the Takin listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Deforestation, hunting, disturbance, and habitat fragmentation are continuing concerns (Wang 1998).
  • Why is the Tent Tortoise listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail: Known threats for Psammobates tentorius include road mortality, veld fireselectrocution by livestock/game fences, and overgrazing from domestic livestock (Cunningham and Strauss 2005, Cunningham 2006) as well as predation by small carnivores, eagles, honey badgers, goshawks, crows, monitor lizards, and ostriches (Branch 1989, Malan and Branch 1992, Lloyd and Stadler 1998, Visagie 2011).
  • Why is the Whooping Crane listed as Endangered by the IUCN?
    Threat Category: Anthropogenic
    Threat in Detail:  Currently, the most significant known cause of death or injury to fledglings is collision with powerlines (Lewis 1997). Powerline markers can reduce collisions by 50-80%, but most powerlines remain unmarked and collision is a major and growing problem (Lewis 1997, Folk et al. 2013);