Cards (13)

  • Arnis
    Philippine traditional martial art
  • Arnis
    • Originally named "kali"
    • Also known as "arnis de mano", "estokada", "estoque", and "fraile"
  • Arnis training
    Used pieces of wood called "bahi" or "kamagong" or bamboo-like materials known as "rattan" or "oway"
  • The fighting system was renamed arnis, derived from the word "arnes"

  • Regional names for arnis
    • Among the tagalog "pananandata"
    • Pangasinan natives called it kalingoran
    • Ilocanos used didya or kabaraon
    • Ibanags named it pagkalikali
    • Pampaguenos used the term sinawali
    • Visayan natives utilized the term kaliradman or pagaradman and later on esgrima or eskrima
  • Eskrima
    Derived from the Spanish word meaning a game between two combatants with the used of blunt instruments
  • General Fabian Ver formed the National Arnis Association of the Philippines (NARAPHIL)

  • Arnis Philippines (ARPHI) formed with the same objective as NARAPHIL

    July of 1986
  • Modern Arnis
    A Filipino fighting art as a self-defense system created by Remy Amador Presas to be an injury-free training method and effective self-defense system
  • Arnis is the National Sport after Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed Republic Act. No. 9850 in 2009
  • The Act mandated the Department of Education to include arnis as a Physical Education course
  • What is the objective of NARAPHIL?
    unite all arnis groups in the Philippines
  • 4Ps of ARPHI
    promote, preserve, propagate, and regain popularity of arnis