Lesson 7 Political and Leadership Structures

Cards (53)

  • bands - small group of politically independent.
  • tribes - consist of small, autonomous local communities.
  • chiefdoms - the head of a ranked hierarchy of people.
  • state - the most formal of political organizations.
  • nation - a people who share a collective identity based on a common culture, language, territorial base, and history.
  • authority - the right to command and the power to give orders
  • legitimacy - a value whereby something or someone acknowledge as acceptable, lawful, right or proper
  • traditional legitimacy - governing power
  • charismatic legitimacy - this legitimacy spring from the persona charisma or inspiring ideas of the leader
  • rational legal legitimacy- this popular acceptance of authority
  • economic institutions - the system that society develops to satisfy the needs and wants
  • reciprocity - a chain of receiving, pain and repaying of goods and services
  • transfers - redistribution of income or wealth in the market system
  • redistribution - refers to a system of economic exchange
  • market transaction - where buyers and sellers transact economic good and services
  • purchases - buyer and seller interact with one another to exchange goods for an amount of money.
  • loans - are money advanced to a business with an interest exchange
  • mortgage - types of loan that was created for purchasers to be able to make homeownership more attainable.
  • market and state - refers to the relationship among economic
  • state - creating favorable and stable political economic and social environment
  • market - stimulating open growth and opportunities for people
  • civil society - mobilize people participation
  • perfect competition - a market system characterized by many differrent buyers and sellers.
  • monopoly - there is only one producer of a particular good or service
  • oligopoly - there are handful a handful of producers, or at least a handful or producers that make up a dominant majority of market system.
  • monopolistic competition - a type of market system combining elements of a monopoly and a perfect competition.
  • capitalism - private ownership means of production
  • socialism - the state control all or most of the means of production
  • welfare gate - general welfare of the citizens is a basic duty and the ultimate end of a well ran politics and governance state.
  • non state institution - also called non-state actors are broadly defined as international actors who are largely or completely autonomous from the state.
  • banks - a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates credit.
  • commercial/retail banks - concerned with managing withdrawals and deposits as well as supplying short-term loans to individuals and small businesses.
  • investment banks - focus on providing services such as underwriting and corporate reorganization to institutional client
  • corporations - a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners.
  • cooperatives - firm owned, controlled, and operated by a group of users for their own benefit.
  • 5 types of cooperative - credit cooperative, consumer cooperative, producers cooperative, marketing cooperative, multi purpose cooperative
  • trade unions - an organizations whose membership consists of workers and union leaders, united to protect and promote their common interests.
  • transnational advocacy group - organization which dedicated into influencing political, economic, social and institutional decisions beyond countries borders.
  • development agencies - an agency whose goal is to help develop and support economic growth within a specified city
  • INGOs - international nongovernmental organizations