Organisms that make their own food either using Light energy for photosynthesis or chemical energy for chemo-synthesis. They are the start of every food chain
Food chains can be arranged in energy pyramids. These have different levels called trophic levels. Most food chains are limited to 4 or 5 trophic levels
The flow of energy between trophic levels is inefficient. In fact, around only 10% of energy stored as biomass in one trophic level ends up as biomass in the next trophic level
Most energy is lost as heat which is produced during cellular respiration. Some energy is also lost when an organism dies without being eaten, and when parts of an organism are either not eaten or are not digested
If a population of a species is lost from an ecosystem it can have devastating consequences. If there are other species that depend upon it as a food source, their numbers can decrease rapidly. This has a domino effect on the entire ecosystem