Ultimate reality, all-pervading Pure Consciousness, the Divine
The Divine
In the Brihadarayaka Upanishad, a wise man asks how may gods there are. The response goes from hundreds down to 1 supreme being.
Creator of all...from him comes all life
Whenever there appears a decline in righteousness....send Myself to birth
He watches over all beings and rules over their creation and destruction
In the Brihadarayaka Upanishad, a wise man asks how may gods there are. The response goes from hundreds down to 1 supreme being.
Avatars and male deities
"Whenever there is decayofrighteousness ... then I Vishnuwillcomeforth .. For the protectionofthegood and the destruction of evil doers." (Bhagavad Gita)
In the Ramayana, Rama defeats the evil demon Ravanna, showing good will overcome evil
Cosmology - an understanding of the universe
The self hidden in the heartofallcreatures ... Yet it can be seen by men who see things subtle
Relationship between Brahman and Atman
Compared to salt dissolved in water. The father explains to Svetaketu that: "In the same way, my son, youcannotseetheAtman. But in truth he is here. Brahmanislikeaninvisibleandsubtleessence.
Hindu greeting which means: "I honour the Godwithinyou."
The embodied Atmanpasses in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, it also passes into another body at death
One should perform Karma with detachment, without expecting the benefits, because sooner or later one shall definitely get the fruits
Having gained supreme perfection, the great souled ones who come to Me never find reincarnation that transient home of misery
When a man knows God, he is free: his sorrows have an end, and birth and death are nomore ... [he] is onewiththeONE
The will is not free – it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect – but there is something behind the will which is free.
Personal Virtues
Ahimsa (non-harming)
4 aims of life
Fulfilling desires, acting repeatedly, It the physical, material desire fulfilment be.
Sanatana Dharma
Eternal dharma; Hinduism
Varnashrama Dharma
Dharma for specific stages in life; the idea that each stage (student, householder, etc) and each varna (social grouping) has particular duties to fulfil
He is far, and he is near. He is withinall and outsideall.
In truth Brahman is all
“Ilook upon allcreaturesequally.” (BhagavadGita 9:29)
Bhagavad Gita 12.13: '"Be friendly and compassionate...hate not any being."'
BhagavadGita 16. 1‐3: '"Forgiveness is a Divinecharacteristic.”
Katha Upanishad 2.1‐2: '"There is the path of joy and the path of pleasure. The wiseman chooses the path of joy; the fool chooses the path of pleasure."'
MundakaUpanishad 2.2: '"In truth Brahmanisall."'
Mundaka Upanishad 2.2: '"Brahma was...the Creator of all, the Guardian of the universe."'
SvetasvataraUpanishad 6.11: '"He watches the works of creation, livesinall things."'
Good acts are rewarded in the future and bad acts are punished in the future. All Hindus should strive to gain good karma for a betater reincarnation
The aim of life is to escape the cycle of samsara and join with Brahman. This is achieved through gaining good karma.
Non-violence. "Non–violence is the law of the humanrace and is infinitely greater than and superior to brute force." Gandhi
The cycle of reincarnation; the body is an impermanent vehicle for the atman (soul)
Religious duty. "This is the sum of duty. Do naught to others, which, if done to thee, could cause thee pain." The Mahabharata
It is important for all Hindus to do their religious and social duty or dharma; dharma depends on your Varna (caste) and Ashrama (life stage)
All people have an atman or soul which is a part of Brahmanwithin them.
Sanatana Dharma
Eternaltruth; doing what is right; the Hindu way of life.
Do not allow yourself to become distracted by illusion
Gandhi: '"An eyeforaneye will make the whole world blind."'
Gandhi: '"There is no cause for which I am prepared to kill."'